What’s next

We’re going back to North Carolina, and we’re going to try to stay afloat until Rockford either finds a teaching job with a university or a community college or he finishes a licensure program to teach at a secondary school. I know this is a circuitious route we’re taking, and I know it sounds more than a little bit crazy, but I’m confident that we’ll be just fine. I have faith that God will provide.

Now, on a more humorous note, I bring you Too Cold:

Scene: Dutch fast-food place
Rockford: I’d like the kipnugget menu, please. With ketchup.
Counter Guy: We don’t have ketchup.
Rockford: How about barbecue sauce?
Counter Guy: You come to the right place for barbecue sauce! It comes in these little cups.
Cross-eyed Guy: It’s too cold for the barbecue sauce!

2 thoughts on “What’s next”

  1. Things happens for some reason. I am sure it is going to be great. It was an experience for you guys. I am confidant in Rockford’s ability that he will find some job soon and will do good.
    More latter.
    Welcome back home.

  2. Did you get a pair of wooden shoes for Poppy while you were in Holland?

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