Things that have happened thus far on this, the fifth day of Twenty-Sixteen


I came around the corner to find Poppy pinning Pete to the ground with his arm twisted behind his back while he tried furiously to punch her. I sent them both to their rooms, but first I asked Poppy: “Were you defending yourself, or were you the aggressor?”

She smirked and shrugged.

“Both,” she said.


Pete strode out of the bathroom like he was kind of a big deal.

“Hey Mama,” he said. “I think you’ve got a clogged toilet in there.”


I’m coping with the previously mentioned Things by reading a book and listening/seatdancing/dance-dancing to the Genius list my iTunes created based on “Coming Home” by Leon Bridges. It really is a genius playlist (Alabama Shakes, Sly and the Family Stone, Wyclef, Stevie Wonder, Aretha, Bruno Mars, Al Green, M.I.A., Justin Timberlake, Michael Jackson).

3 thoughts on “Things that have happened thus far on this, the fifth day of Twenty-Sixteen”

  1. Pete reminds me of Harry. A couple of days after Christmas we had a bit of a heatwave so Harry refused to get dressed and then decided to load a nerf gun against his crotch and proceeded to say ” mama, my willy is stuck in the nerf gun!” Seriously. I didn’t know how to respond!

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