Sandi tagged me to do a meme. It was actually be two memes, but I’m going to combine them.
Five things 25-year-old Nichole didn’t see coming
- Having two children over a 2-year, 4-month span. I’d always imagined having two kids, but not so close together.
- Rockford not working in a lab.
- Planning to move to Holland.
- Changing that plan.
- My blog reading and writing habit.
Five things I was doing 10 years ago
- Dating Rockford (and most likely pestering him to propose).
- Working at a Hampton Inn housing lots of FBI agents. It was surreal to see so many guns in the lobby.
- Driving a red ’92 Chevy Cavalier, which we sold two years later to fund our move to Missouri.
- Going to class. I don’t remember which classes I was taking in 1998, but I’m willing to bet there was at least one writing class.
- Falling for Mac.
Five things on my to-do list today
- Make dinner.
- Hem Poppy’s new curtains.
- Pester Rockford until he puts up the curtain rod in P’s room (some things never change).
- Clean the bathroom. (Also on yesterday’s list.)
- Watch “Lost.”
Five things I will do when I am a millionaire
- Pay off our debts.
- Shower my loved ones with fancy gifts.
- Buy a house.
- Bury whatever’s left in a jar in the backyard. (Or put it in a savings account.)
- Hire a personal trainer.
Five things I will never wear again
- A marching band uniform.
- A tennis skirt.
- Tight-rolled jeans.
- A Desert Storm t-shirt.
- Debbie Gibson’s Electric Youth
Five of my favorite toys
- The laptop.
- The digital camera.
- Photoshop.
- The Internet.
- Settlers of Catan
Five banes of my existence
- My metabolism.
- On a related note, my sustained levels of chunkitude.
- Cleaning the bathroom.
- Driving.
- The Affleck.
I tag these five poor, unsuspecting people