Tag Archives: works for me wednesday

Recipes and strategies for the solo diner

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Last night was the first of many that’ll find the kids and I eating dinner alone and Rockford eating a peanut butter sandwich in a parking lot. (I didn’t kick him out. He’s teaching a class two nights a week.) Even though I did plan for the children to have a sound, healthy dinner, it didn’t work out that way, exactly. Poppy wanted leftover rice and Jell-O, and Pete ended up with a fruit cup, some Corn Pops and half of my dinner.

Which is the whole point of this post. My dinner.
Continue reading Recipes and strategies for the solo diner

Rise and shine, sleepyheads

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I have never been a morning person. I’ve never had a job that required me to get up terribly early, but none of them have started at the time I’d ideally be up and at ’em. Say, 10 o’clock. So I’ve always been reliant on the alarm clock to wake me.

The problem with an alarm clock, though, is that it’s oh-so-easy to make it hush.

I discovered early on that I have a bad habit of hitting the snooze button until I’m perilously close to being late. Some people remedy this by marrying an early bird who won’t allow them to sleep in. My husband, though, is an even worse snooze-button offender than I am.

But we found a solution. We moved the alarm clock across the room, well out of arm’s reach. While it didn’t completely solve the problem, it definitely lessened the chance that we’d be late. It’s much harder to fall completely back asleep when you have to toss off your covers and stand up to hit snooze.

Now, I have to admit that the when we moved, someone put the clock right back on his nightstand. The rampant snoozery hasn’t been too bad so far. If it gets out of hand, though, I’ll know just what to do.

Visit Rocks in My Dryer for more Works for Me Wednesday tips!

Taking the bite out of Thanksgiving prep

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I know that yesterday I claimed to be a top-notch procrastinator, but today I’m working against the grain. (Although to be truthful, most of the things on that list still aren’t done.) I’ve put together two of my side dishes for tomorrow so far this morning, and I’ve managed to do it without taking a single nibble. For me, this is a major accomplishment. I owe my success to one thing: Chewing gum. Yummy creamy cheese and syrupy sweet potatoes just don’t taste right with a side of spearmint. I’m hoping it also keeps me away from the pumpkin pie that I’ll be making when the kids take their nap.

Visit Rocks in My Dryer for more Works for Me Wednesday tips!