My camera somehow got switched to manual focus, and I didn’t notice it right away. So that doesn’t especially make me happy. But my husband teaching my daughter how to dry the dishes? Now that makes me happy.
February 11. Makes You Happy.
Day Twelve: Inside Your Closet
My closet didn’t look like this until today, which happened to be the day I finally purchased and installed an organization system. February 12. Inside Your Closet.
Day Thirteen: Blue
This doesn’t make much sense. But there is some blue in the picture, and the wolf does look mournful. So.
February 13. Blue.
Day Fourteen: Heart
The kids secretly got one another Build-A-Bear bears for Valentine’s Day. They were both over-the-moon happy when they exchanged bears. They’re still declaring it The Best Valentine’s Day Ever.
February 14. Heart.
Day Fifteen: Phone
This is on my kitchen wall. It isn’t actually functional.
February 15. Phone.
Day Sixteen: Something New
We finally got a new couch! It’s almost like we’re grown-ups.
February 16. Something New.
Day Seventeen: Time
I waited until nearly the last minute to do this one. Which helps to explain why it’s so boring and poorly done.
I didn’t want to approach a stranger and ask if I could take a picture of them to put on the internet. So instead I took pictures from our moving car, like a total creep. In retrospect, maybe I should’ve just summoned my courage and spoken to someone. This was the least-identifiable picture I took.
February 4. A Stranger.
Photo Five: 10am [Monday]
I wasn’t actually awake at 10 a.m. on February 5 — I know! It was marvelous. — so I thought I’d take a 10 p.m. picture instead. And then I forgot to do it, so here’s what was going on at 10 a.m. on February 6. More spelling! Which was followed by a game of spaceship and then a little U.S. history. (Also: I had to take this picture with my computer, because I left my camera in Rockford’s car.)
February 6. Ten a.m.
Day Six: Dinner [Monday]
We had dinner with friends, who made a baked pasta dish. It was tasty. February 6. Dinner.
Day Seven: Button [Tuesday]
I can’t find a manufacture date on it, but I think our dishwasher might be at least as old as me. It still works pretty well, though.
February 7. Button.
Day Eight: Sun [Wednesday]
It’s been unbelievably warm and lovely here lately, but Wednesday was cold and grey. As February should be, I guess. The sun made a very brief appearance in the late afternoon. It didn’t warm things up at all, but it was time enough to snap a quick picture.
February 8. Sun.
Day Nine: Front Door [Thursday]
This is the knocker on our front door. Our home is the proud recipient of the “Total Electric Living Award.” Pretty sweet.
I saw things hither and thither on the internet last month about a January Photo-a-Day challenge, being hosted by someone writing under the name “Fat Mum Slim.” I didn’t notice it until midway through the month, though, so I didn’t join in even though I love challenges and I love taking pictures — mostly pictures of my cats, because they are so very photogenic — and especially I love things that go on the internet.
So I was pleased as Punch to see that there’s a February Photo-a-Day challenge afoot!
I don’t see a day designated Very Photogenic Cats on Fat Mum Slim’s list of photography prompts, but I thought it might be fun to participate anyway. I’m planning to post the week’s worth of photos on Saturdays, so as not to deluge you with amateur-hour photography. Let’s see how many of these prompts I can twist into a cat challenge, shall we?
Here’s the first wave:
Day One: Your view today
It was no longer daylight when I first discovered that the Photo-a-Day thing was happening again, and so I present to you something that looks like an unfinished Lite-Brite creation. It was either this or a pair of sleeping cats. February 1. Your View Today.
Day Two: Words
Poppy is in some areas a bit of a perfectionist. (She does not get this from me.) I would like it if she applied this particular personality quirk to areas such as Having a Clean Room, Obeying or Eating All the Vegetables. Of course it doesn’t apply to any of those. It usually manifests itself in her schoolwork, particularly those subjects with a definite right-or-wrong answer, like spelling. She so very much wants to be entirely correct. (Which OK maybe she does get from me.)
She aced her spelling test on Thursday.
“I have been waiting to get them all right for so long!”
February 2. Words.
Yesterday was our 11th anniversary. I’d planned to take a picture of us holding hands, and this would’ve said something sappy about how we’ve been holding hands for the last 15 years or so. But then we were out and about all day, and I forgot to do it. Today I was going to take a picture of Rockford’s hands, but he asked me not to do it so I didn’t. His were the only other hands on hands today, unless you count paws. Which I find that I must: