From Season 1, Episode 8 of the Best Cartoon, “We Bare Bears.”Everybody needs a cool jean jacket. I don’t know if I’m cool enough to don the rhinestone tiger, thought, so I might need to start with an unadorned one.
A back scratcher
Because sometimes Rockford isn’t here and frankly Marsha T. Cat is a terrible back-scratcher.
A cozy, zip-up hoodie
Sadly, this one is not available for grown-ups.I left my favorite cozy, zip-up hoodie at the movie theater when we saw “Pan,” and it wasn’t in their lost-and-found bin when I went back for it. I’m pretty sure there aren’t too many Great Lakes Loons hoodies in our town, though, so I’m keeping an eye out for the bad seed who lifted it and/or didn’t turn it in. In the meantime, this Time Lord hoodie would be a fine substitute.
The 2009 Cook’s Illustrated Annual book
I have 2007, 2008 and 2010-2014. I’m not sure why I didn’t order the 2009 edition. But it’s available on Amazon!
Some people view gift cards as a lazy gift, but I love them. I don’t buy frivolous stuff for myself all that often, but I’ll indulge if I have a gift card. I especially like Amazon gift cards, because then I can buy Kindle books with a minimum of agonizing about it.
We returned from California on Thursday night; battled mild jet lag, attended our co-op Halloween festival and decorated creepy cookies on Friday; went to two soccer games and trick-or-treated on Saturday; and rested like it was our primary vocation on Sunday.
Monday: Fish sticks and mac & cheese
Tonight’s meal is a result of me trying to make a grocery list with jet lag.
“What do you want for dinner, kids?”
“Fish sticks!”
“Ew, fish sticks are gross! OK!”
Tuesday: Tacos
Because taco Tuesday is the best Tuesday, especially if avocados are invited to the party.
Wednesday: ???
Wednesday’s my birthday! I don’t know what we’ll be eating!
Thursday: Sandwiches
Most likely ham sandwiches, because I’ve been enjoying ham lately.
Friday: Chili
We’ll be having dinner with 13 other people. The CrockPots will be working overtime on the meaty, spicy Chili by George and the vegetarian Queen City Chili.
My blog turned 10 on Friday, and I did nothing to commemorate it. Not only that, but I didn’t write anything at all the entire month of October. Sorry, poor little Butterscotch Sundae. It was a crazy month.
I’ll attempt to make up for my unplanned Never Blog Posting Month by posting every day in November, because it’s National Blog Posting Month and that’s what we do here (see: 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 20072006). In the past I’ve gone into NaBloPoMo with at least some sort of plan, but this year we’ll be flying by the seat of our pants.