Tag Archives: menu plan Monday

Livin' la vida wheatless

Menu Plan Monday logoMy nephew has some kind of wheat intolerance or allergy, so he’s been on a wheat-free diet for most of his life. I’d never given all that much thought to it — beyond “poor kid can’t have doughnuts” — until his dad decided to try it out, too. He’s been wheat-free for a month or two (or three, maybe), and he’s lost something like 20 pounds. So I thought I’d try it. And then we got home, and I tried it for a day, and we had dinner with friends and they made pasta and that was the end of that.

We visited the Poppins household again this weekend, and it renewed my desire to try the wheat-free diet. I’m not going to be hard-core about checking sauces, etc., but I am going to try to avoid the Very Obviously Wheaty things. Here’s my first wheat-free menu.

Kung Pao Scallops
After a long, long drought, I finally got to go to PF Changs again over the weekend. The kids were so hungry and tired when we got there; I was pretty sure it was going to be a disaster. Once they got a little food in them, though, they were fine. Poppy at a crab wonton and a plate of sweet and sour chicken. I had the Kung Pao scallops. And while they were great, they reminded me that I’ve made Kung Pao before. So I thought I’d try it again.

Veggie migas
When I was pregnant, I thought it would be a good idea to throw some cheese and salsa onto a plate of scrambled eggs. It was a good instinct, and I’ve since added tortilla chips and veggie sausages to the mix. I’ve come to learn that there’s a real way to make migas. I’ve never tried to follow a recipe, but it’s easier to call my version “veggie migas” than “scrambled eggs with Tex-Mexy flava.”

Indian Butter Chicken

I found a wheat-free crust mix to try. I might still make some dough for Rockford and the kids, because I don’t think the mix will make a very large pizza.

Drip drop drip, little March showers

Menu Plan Monday logoIt was rainy all weekend, and it’s still drizzly this morning. That may or may not have to do with the fact that I can’t think of anything to share, really, other than the week’s menu.

Monday: Meatloaf
We’ll be dining with friends tonight, which means we’re starting the week with a meal I don’t have to cook.

Tuesday: Bourbon Chicken
Bourbon chicken doesn’t actually contain any bourbon, so I’m a little flummoxed about its name. But it looks tasty, so we’ll give it a shot. It also looks a little bit like the Peanut Butter Chicken, which might mean that Poppy will try it.

Wednesday: Scalloped Potatoes

Thursday: Breakfast for dinner

Friday: Pizza

Weekend wrapup. And a menu!

Menu Plan Monday logoHere are some things that happened this weekend:

  1. I finally started on Poppy’s baby book. She’s three and a half. It isn’t nearly as in-depth as it would’ve been if I’d started it, say, three years ago. Yay.
  2. Finances gave me a large, enduring headache. Boo.
  3. The guy at the discount grocery store couldn’t figure out how to use the register. So he gave us 20-something dollars worth of groceries for $10.73. That made the headache hurt a little less. Yay.
  4. We were home all weekend. Yay.
  5. And Rockford didn’t spend all that much time working. Yay.
  6. I rearranged the furniture in the living room. Well, I really did that last week. But I like it. So yay.

Because of the one gigantic and hideous blight on the weekend, we’re having yet another SuperCheapWhat’sInThePantry menu plan this week.

Monday: Pancakes & veggie sausages.
Poppy and Pete love Morningstar Farms’ veggie sausage links, so we usually have them on hand. And ever since I picked up a syrup dispenser a few months ago, I can’t stop making pancakes.

Tuesday: Butternut squash ravioli
I have nearly reached the end of my butternut squash ravioli tolerance, but Pi is still enjoying them and they’re made from a vegetable. So we’ll keep having them.

Wednesday: Spaghetti
Back-to-back pasta nights. Carboriffic.

Thursday: Fish sticks
There was a buy-one, get-one-free sale on giant bags of fish sticks this weekend. Suddenly, my freezer is awash in fish sticks.