Tag Archives: meals during soccer season

Youth sports and the dinnertime conundrum

Soccer practice is back this week, which means we won’t be home at a reasonable hour a few nights a week for the next few months. I’m going to try not to hit the drive-thru every practice night, but history tells us there’s a high chance of cheeseburgers on a regular basis.

Here’s what we’ll be having this week:

Monday: Grilled Something Sandwiches
This’ll be some combination of cheese, bread, ham and a saute pan.

Tuesday: BFD
Ah, my faithful old eggs and veggie sausages. You’re always a winner.

Wednesday: Rotisserie chicken and salad
I said we would be having this a few weeks ago, thanks to a coupon for a free meal from Whole Foods. I never went to Whole Foods, though, so we never used the coupon. Hopefully I get over there this week.

Thursday: Tortellini
Poppy’s request. I’m not sure cheese tortellini is Lactaid-worthy to me, so I’ll probably just have a big salad.

Friday: Takeout
There’s a Thai place nearby that I’d like to try, but I’m 99.9 percent sure the kids won’t try anything there. So it might be Pad Thai or Whatever Cereal You’d Like to Serve Yourself night.

Hungry for more? Check out the Menu Plan Monday linkup at OrgJunkie.