Tag Archives: how to win friends

I've got the Eric Carmen blues

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It’s opposites week at Works for Me Wednesday! Rather than offering up tips, bloggers are seeking answers.

So here’s my question: How do you make friends? Don’t laugh; I’m serious.

We’ve moved around quite a bit over the last three years, and I haven’t made a single real connection in that time. We’ve been in our current location for a year. We go to a regular playgroup, but it’s hard to have any sort of meaningful conversation when you see someone for 45 minutes, once a week. And during those 45 minutes, you’re busy preparing snacks or rescuing small people from atop the monkey bars. We also go to church most every Sunday, and I’ve been volunteering in some of the childcare classes during services.

But I still haven’t made a friend.

Is there a trick to this? Do I smell funny? Help me out, folks. Any advice would be welcome.