I did find the Ikea bookshelf that I wanted for the room on Craigslist for $75, and I love it. It has more than enough room for what I need to store (for now). I don’t have the whiteboard I’d hoped for yet, though, nor have I finished moving all of my books and supplies up there. I’m hoping they’ll migrate themselves. (Oh, and everything on the walls? It’s Petey decor, which I really ought to try to incorporate into his new shared bedroom.)
The schoolroom corner of the room looks pretty orderly so far. The rest of the room, over, looks like Toys ‘R’ Us exploded on it. Right now we have four small pieces of furniture holding toys, not to mention the basket of stuffed animals, the play kitchen and the various Little People houses. One of my other yet-to-happen plans is to get six more bins for the larger white shelving unit so I can consolidate the toys into one piece of furniture and get the others out of there. If everything doesn’t fit in those nine bins, we’ll rotate the toys out every now and then. The play kitchen and the Little People abodes are still well-loved and played with frequently, so they’re just going to have to keep taking up real estate for now.
Last year we did all of our schoolwork downstairs, either at the kitchen table or on the couch. There’s a good chance that we’ll still do some of it downstairs, but I think it’s going to be really nice to have all of the supplies in one place. Even if said space doesn’t look exactly as I’d hoped it would.
The important thing is that I have all of the supplies for what we’re doing this year, and I have two small people who are so excited to learn. (I would still like that whiteboard, though.)