Day 11
Taking Poppy to the aquarium store to look at fish, then going out for lunch together.
Getting the news that Perry Mason and Mrs. Perry Mason planned to make an offer on the house they’ve been in love with since they first saw it nearly a year ago.
Making a ridiculously thrown together “pineapple upside-down cake.” It was tasty, but it wasn’t what it was meant to be.
Day 12
Watching the last “Doctor Who” episodes of Season 4 with Rockford.
Tandoori chicken from Cook’s Illustrated.
Poppy’s lovely little face.
Pete being so excited to see his little buddy Addison in the afternoons.
Day 13
Pasta with garlic.
Day 14
Playing with Pete while Poppy napped late in the evening; his joyful little shrieks.
Pete taking a few steps without noticing it.
Poppy drying the dishes.
Day 15
Dancing with Poppy & Pete at their music class.
Pete pretending to read.
The prospect of winning a box of Little Debbies.
Tucking a blanket around sleeping Pete.
Day 16
Mexican pizza
Watching the new “Battlestar Galactica.” Even though it was really depressing.
Playing “You’re the Mommy, I’m the Poppy” with Pi.
The enthusiasm with which Rockford plays the Rock Band.
Day 7
Helping Poppy put together her illustrated stories about Winnie-the-Pooh.
Pete’s dancing.
Laughing with Rockford.
Playing Old Maid and Crazy 8s with Pi.
Day 8
Poppy behaving so well and Pete dancing up a tiny storm at their music class.
Sonic’s Lemon-Berry Slush.
Taking a nap while Rockford took the kids out.
Day 9
Bran flakes and raspberries.
Playing Settlers of Catan into the wee hours with Perry Mason and Mrs. Perry Mason.
My brother’s dog Jack chasing the beam of the flashlight.
Day 10
Going to the mall with Mrs. Perry Mason, my mom and my mom’s friend for makeover day.
Mom and Mrs. Perry Mason being so pleased with their new looks.
Rockford spending the whole day with the kids.
Jack eating lettuce.