Day 7
Helping Poppy put together her illustrated stories about Winnie-the-Pooh.
Pete’s dancing.
Laughing with Rockford.
Playing Old Maid and Crazy 8s with Pi.
Day 8
Poppy behaving so well and Pete dancing up a tiny storm at their music class.
Sonic’s Lemon-Berry Slush.
Taking a nap while Rockford took the kids out.
Day 9
Bran flakes and raspberries.
Playing Settlers of Catan into the wee hours with Perry Mason and Mrs. Perry Mason.
My brother’s dog Jack chasing the beam of the flashlight.
Day 10
Going to the mall with Mrs. Perry Mason, my mom and my mom’s friend for makeover day.
Mom and Mrs. Perry Mason being so pleased with their new looks.
Rockford spending the whole day with the kids.
Jack eating lettuce.
- Spending time with old and new friends.
- Cake.
- Finding Bacon Salt and a battery organizer at one store.
- Pete’s smile.
- Poppy’s smile.
- Taking a 3-hour nap.
- Poppy tiptoeing around and saying, “I have to be very quiet” during my nap.