Summer vacation memories

Chris‘ participation in the Wordless Wednesday circle inspired me to find a similar project for today. I like the idea of Wordless Wednesday, but I’m not sure I could stick to the “wordless” part of the equation.

I also haven’t been taking many new pictures lately, which makes Throwback Thursday a good fit for now.

This week’s theme is Summer Vacation Memories. I would’ve liked to share the picture of the very cranky, child-hating Uncle Sam we met in New York (Really. He was wearing a button that said “I hate kids.”) or some photos from our ill-timed camping-and-Disney trip to Florida (in July). But the only thing I had scanned in that fit the theme was this one, from our trip to Georgian Bay in Ontario.

So here they are, a few memories from our adventure in Canada:

  • We bought some candy bars on the way up, and they tasted funny. We attributed this to their being Canadian.
  • Powering around in the paddle boat. I have a vague recollection of some kind of paddle boat war, with Justin or maybe my stepbrother Wayne ending up in the drink.
  • My stepsister Kristy’s hair turning green from the over-chlorinated hot tub. (Or maybe she was just worried about her hair turning green.)
  • The quiet. It was a very remote spot, and it was the first time I enjoyed the stillness of the outdoors.
  • Going to a science center and learning that the tallest I could hope to be was 5-foot-3. Their formula proved to be pretty accurate.

    And just for good measure, here are a few more “throwback” pictures. These aren’t in chronological order.

    1. Justin, a wagon and Mom. I don’t know when this was, but I’d guess 1984.
    2. Canada. Again. Just like up top.
    3. Me and Justin in tubs in our Granny’s front yard.
    4. My dad’s dad, Justin and the garden.
    5. Granny, Justin and Mom. Why do I have so many pictures of Justin in here?
    6. There I am. Ready to garden, apparently.
    7. Mom, me and Dad at the Sugar Beet Festival (I think). Check out Dad’s totally awesome hat. There was a whole lot of hair under there, too. He was a stylin’ dude in the ’80s.