It’s Delurking Day, which is a thing Chris at Rude Cactus started. The general idea is this: People read blogs but they don’t leave comments, and comments are what help bloggers grow big and strong. So! If you don’t usually leave a comment, I hope you’ll make an exception today. And if you do usually comment, I still want to hear from you.
Talk about whatever you’d like. But if you can’t think of anything to say, tell me this: What’s your favorite way to relax?
I just sent both of my kids to my parents’ house for the evening, and I plan on having a sushi or Indian dinner with my husband this evening before hunkering down for a reread of A Prayer for Owen Meany! La la la la laaaaaaah! Happy Delurking Day!
.-= Angela´s last blog ..This is when I straighten out our soups! Soup straightening at 2-07! =-.
My truck wont start, and I want to bring you the Whammer’s bed, but I cannot. And it makes me sad.
Hi. HI! Hello. You guys are hogging all of the good snow. We keep having snow, but not enough to sled. It’s just enough to mess up the road for a few days. So quit being so selfish! My kids want to sled!
.-= Jeni´s last blog ..Ways to Beat the Winter Blahs without taking a cruise in the Caribbean =-.
howdy! We don’t have snow here, just wet rain and windy stuff. I like to relax with a good mystery (either movie or book, depending on motivation), a bowl of popcorn and a cup of hot tea. I also LOVE a board game with the 11 yr old. We play Alternative Rules Scrabble: you can make up a word, but it has to follow basic rules of spelling and have a plausible definition.
.-= Rootietoot´s last blog ..ode to the velour track suit =-.