
I don’t know whether I’ve mentioned it here, but I can’t wait to see “Snakes on a Plane.” I read about it on the AP wire many, many months ago, and I’ve been so happy to see that it’s become such a hit on the Internet — even before it’s come out.

The good people at SoaP have picked up on the Internet buzz, and they’ve decided (last I read, at least) to include one fan’s song on the SoaP soundtrack.

DCLugi’s effort is by far my favorite. I first saw it on the Church of the Customer blog, and I’ll give you the same warning they gave their readers: Turn down the volume if you’re at work. And if you have sensitive ears, don’t watch it at all. It’s about Samuel L. Jackson, so of course there are a few F-bombs sprinkled about.

You’ve been warned.