Rise and shine, sleepyheads

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I have never been a morning person. I’ve never had a job that required me to get up terribly early, but none of them have started at the time I’d ideally be up and at ’em. Say, 10 o’clock. So I’ve always been reliant on the alarm clock to wake me.

The problem with an alarm clock, though, is that it’s oh-so-easy to make it hush.

I discovered early on that I have a bad habit of hitting the snooze button until I’m perilously close to being late. Some people remedy this by marrying an early bird who won’t allow them to sleep in. My husband, though, is an even worse snooze-button offender than I am.

But we found a solution. We moved the alarm clock across the room, well out of arm’s reach. While it didn’t completely solve the problem, it definitely lessened the chance that we’d be late. It’s much harder to fall completely back asleep when you have to toss off your covers and stand up to hit snooze.

Now, I have to admit that the when we moved, someone put the clock right back on his nightstand. The rampant snoozery hasn’t been too bad so far. If it gets out of hand, though, I’ll know just what to do.

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8 thoughts on “Rise and shine, sleepyheads”

  1. We use our cell phones for alarms, usually, but they don’t have a snooze function – which means, you turn it off once, and you’re on your own! Good thing I’m a SAHM and James has a very flexible schedule…

    Jeni´s last blog post: “A Literary Expedition

  2. My husband and I are the same way. We are always trying to get on an earlier schedule because we always gravitate toward staying up late and sleeping late. My husband’s clock isn’t across the room, but it’s up high so he does have to get out of bed to reach it. Mine’s still by the bed, but my dogs are usually in my face wanting a walk as soon as they think I’m stirring.

  3. Yeah, we have the same problem. Well…at least mom does, she hits the snooze button 10 billion times until my dad goes in and actually wakes her up. I do the alarm clock across the room thing too, but I usually head back for the bed after I shut it off!

  4. Morning blows. Don’t you have a couple of kids to wake you up with the sun, though? Or do you have those lucky sleeping in kind of kids?

  5. I second the above comment about dogs. Our Stevie is very reluctant to sleep past sunrise. She like an alarm clock I have to walk and feed.

  6. Graham occasionally wakes up for a bottle around 7:30, but then he goes right back to sleep. I’ve never tested the theory, but I think Pi would sleep until noon if I didn’t wake her up. As it is, I usually wake them both up around 8:15 or 8:30.

    They’re spectacular kids.

  7. Andrew is an avid snooze abuser! I have never snoozed before in my life…until recently. He is slowly winning me over. I have been ruined! I think my problem was that my alarm was always so loud and obnoxious, that is scared me half to death each morning. Now, we use Andrew’s cell phone and it is a pleasant song. While this helps him wake up in a better mood, it just helps me sleep longer! Oh, the things we do to help out a loved one…

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