I had a hard time falling asleep Tuesday night, so I took half of a melatonin. Which meant that I had a hard time waking up yesterday morning. Once I was finally lucid, though, my mom and I removed her truck’s battery and I took it to the auto parts store. The battery was so drained they couldn’t get their monitor-thing to tell whether or not it was any good, so they plugged it into a charger and said to check back in with them in a few hours.
So I went back home, where I found my mom and the kids feverishly cleaning the bathrooms.
The children and I did some school work, and I spent some more quality time in Pete’s room, removing the heat register and spraying it down with Urine Destroyer.
Poppy had a piano lesson. My mom and Pete folded a bunch of laundry.
I went to check on the battery. It was not ready.
Poppy had ballet and modern dance. On the way home I stopped at the vet to get some flea-preventative, and then I went to check on the battery. It was not ready.
I called the auto parts store and learned that the battery was almost charged enough to test. You would think, perhaps, that at some point it might occur to me that a battery that takes that long to charge just a little is probably a faulty battery. Hindsight, eh?
I picked Poppy up from dance, and we bought a rotisserie chicken for dinner. We came home and ate chicken, peas and rice.
The kids started playing video games, and I went to the auto parts store determined to come home with a battery. And I succeeded! The old battery was indeed dead, though, so my success came with a price. And a two-year warranty, and I had to install it in the cold by the light of my TeslaLED app. But it was a victory, and I am embracing it.

And the very best part of yesterday? After alllll that other stuff happened, Rockford came home from a business trip!
I am impressed that you can install a car battery. Here I’m so proud I can change a tire, but I can’t do anything else. Sounds like a packed day!
Good work.