On the table this week


OK, this sounds weird. But I can’t divulge what we’re having for dinner tonight, because it’s part of this month’s Daring Bakers challenge and if I tell you what the challenge is they’ll probably kick me out of the group.

Tuesday: Cube steak

I have to go to a meeting for our homeschool co-op on Tuesday night, so Rockford will mostly be in charge of dinner. I’ll probably start it for him, though.

Wednesday: Grilled cheese

I will be astonished if ever Poppy chooses something without cheese in it for kids’ choice night. Rockford and I will be having grilled ham and cheese, because we’re very sophisticated and carnivorous.

Thursday: West Indian rice & beans

I check out cookbooks from the library pretty often, but I usually just flip through them and then never actually make any of the recipes. This time I decided I’d at least try one of them, and this is it!

Friday: Pizza