Upon being told that I didn’t feel up to pretending to be an elephant, Poppy saying: “Mommy too big for ‘Barrumph.’ ” (In our house, that’s what elephants say.)
Poppy’s “Are You My Mother” monologue.
“Friday Night Lights”
The editor of Sophie’s local newspaper responding to her letter — on the front page! (Here’s the story).
Ice softened to perfection (for crunching!) in a glass of V8 Splash.
Oct. 13
Cuddling with Rockford while Poppy slept in.
Poppy asking for popcorn for breakfast. (She had a pancake instead.)
Going to the farm for apples; Poppy being thrilled to see real piggies; Pi picking out a tin apple, carrying it around all day and calling it her “sweet little apple.”
Putting up the family photo wall. (It’s not quite complete. One of the frames from Crate & Barrel was broken; they’re sending me a new one. The two 8x10s featuring Stock Photography Lady are going to be Pete photos. Oh, and credit for the idea and layout go to Dooce.)