Opening Keynote with Scott Stratten
Here are some of my notes from his keynote:
- “If you’re only awesome as a brand to influencers, you’re not awesome.”
- “Nobody cares about your logo, ever, in the history of the planet.”
- “Your brand is not your logo; your brand is your actions.”
- “Awesome employees are not overhead.”
- Social media allows people who wouldn’t directly approach a brand to vent. Social media won’t fix a bad product or experience, it will just amplify it.
- “The secret to successful business: Work Hard.”
- Write content for an audience beyond your subscribers.
- “The best frequency to blog at is when you have something to say.”
“Write Now: Writing For the Season You’re In” with Annie Downs
Annie Downs is the author of “Perfectly Unique: Praising God from Head to Foot,” which I’m thinking about ordering for my 13-year-old niece. Annie enjoys Nutella and the internet, and she wears very cute clothes. Here are some of my notes from her session:
- “Be full of grace with yourself.” (I heard variations of this concept all weekend long. Perhaps I should take it to heart?)
- Write about yourself and what matters to you, but not at the expense of those you love.
- What should you write about? Things you’re hoping for; topics you wish someone else was writing about. If you’re looking for it, chances are someone else is, too.
- Sometimes you need to live the story before you write about it.
- Do what doesn’t make you crazy.
“Living an Amazing Life” with CC Chapman
Here are some of my notes from his session:
- Define “amazing” on your terms, then choose your path. You need a concrete, attainable goal.
- “Normal is a boring way to live your life.”
- “If they don’t want you to succeed, they’re not your friends.”
- Seagulls: People who swoop in, drop poo on you and fly away. “The internet is full of seagulls.”
- Be a duck: Let things roll off. I explained this concept to Pete this morning when I was mad at his sister for some minor infraction. He quacked.
- Celebrate success of all sizes; don’t wait until you finish your project to celebrate.
- Always give back. “Life is too short to focus on cashing the checks.”
you went to BlissDom?? I’m so jealous! I want to try and make it some year…
You should go next year! It was a lot of fun, and there was a big focus on photography.