I am the Jon Snow of reminiscing about our week

I’ve felt like I’ve fallen into a time warp all week. And not the good kind, with fish fingers and custard and a quirky, handsome guide to the universe. It’s more like the kind where you accidentally start a war with a small landlocked country or get eaten by a baby pterodactyl. I’m having a hard time recovering from Disney World / Halloween / having guests / the World Series, is what I’m saying.

(I know none of those are even remotely terrible things, but my brain is fried nonetheless.)

So while I know the kids have accomplished some school-related work this week, I couldn’t begin to itemize what they did. Here is a bit of what we did this week:


We are all beginning to understand that “Little Women” is the longest book in the history of literature.


Poppy is supposed to have a math test today, but she really needs to have a solid day or two of review before the test. And we have definitely not had a solid day or two of review, so the math test will be postponed until next week.


We returned to post-Revolution France this week, and the kids seem to have paid attention to the information. Today we’ll be doing a little map work and playing a card game in which the rules keep changing. After Anne asked about it, the folks at Peace Hill Press said it would be OK if I shared the rules with you. Here’s how you play!


from “Story of the World: Volume 4”

– a deck of playing cards
– a score sheet with space for 6 rounds (Republic #1, Empire #1, Kingdom #1, Republic #2, Empire #2, Kingdom #2) and a total
– at least two people to play

Keeping track of points:

  • During the Republic phases, all cards with numbers are worth their face value. A 6, for example, is worth 6 points. Face cards and aces are worth 1 point each.
  • During the Empire phases, an Ace is worth 20 points. A King is worth minus 10 points, a Queen is worth minus 8 points, and a Jack is worth minus 10 points. No other cards are worth anything.
  • During the Kingdom phase, a King is worth 10 points, a Queen is worth 8 points, and a Jack is worth 6 points. An ace is worth minus 10 points, and other cards are worth nothing.

    Playing instructions:

  • Shuffle the deck.
  • The dealer deals 4 cards to each player. Everyone can look at his or her own cards.
  • The remaining cards are placed face-down in a draw pile.
  • The player to the left of the dealer discards a card from his hand and places it face-down next to the draw pile, then picks up a card from the draw pile.
  • Play continues around the circle. You should never have more than four cards in your hand at once.
  • Once each player has discarded and drawn four times, count up the points in everyone’s hand. Write you point total on the score sheet, then start the next round with the cards in your hand left over from the previous round.
  • At the end of the game, the player with the most points wins.

    Poppy only made it to two of the four tae kwon do classes this week, and she only had two of her three usual soccer practices. Pete did make it to both of his TKD classes, but the Monday one was a special-edition Halloween class where they just played games. He’s been working pretty hard rehearsing for his guitar recital this weekend, too.

    How was your week?

    Wanna read more about homeschooling? Check out the Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers weekly linky thing!


  • 4 thoughts on “I am the Jon Snow of reminiscing about our week”

    1. I came across your post on WUHS Weekly Wrap-Up and just love your site. I think I just spent about 20 minutes reading posts! You should definitely write a book with that humorous tone! 🙂 Have a wonderful week and I’ll be back to read more!

    2. sigh..I hear that sista…so much going on in October…seems like November is the month we all take time to be thankful more than usual and hopefully slow down a little…enjoy your weekend..

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