A few years ago, The Story Pirates asked kids to send them stories about a made-up holiday. That sounds like a weird thing to do, but it’s actually normal for The Story Pirates. They’re a sketch-comedy group that adapts kids’ stories and performs them on satellite radio. They also do live performances, but usually just in California and New York. So for us, they’re just on the radio.
They wanted stories about made-up holidays, and Poppy and Pete decided they’d each write one. So they did, and we submitted them, and a few weeks later I got an email from a real, live Story Pirate asking my permission to produce Poppy’s story for the show. They were kind enough to send me an audio file of the performance after it had aired, and today seemed like the appropriate time to share it with you.
“White Friday” by Poppy & The Story Pirates
Didn’t they do a wonderful job? If you know Poppy, it’s pretty easy to pick out the lines they pulled verbatim from the source material. Pete was also thrilled that they included the cheeseburgers, as his entire story was a celebration of them.
I hope you have a thoroughly relaxing White Friday!
![NaBloPoMo November 2015](https://i0.wp.com/www.blogher.com/files/NaBloPoMo_2015.jpg?w=150&ssl=1)