It is an exceptionally gray and drizzly day here at Butterscotch Acres. The good news is, it’s all Christmas cheer inside. We went out to the tree farm yesterday, and Rockford pulled
all most of the decor out of the attic. I seem to be missing a box, but that’s OK. Because the tree is up and decorated, and we’ve been taken over by snowmen. I’ll share photos eventually, if I can get the computer to recognize my camera. (Which it hasn’t been doing. Did I tell you that? Very, very irritating.)
Anyway, hi-ho-diddly-day! I need to do some Christmas-list-making.
I am done with shopping (except a couple gift cards), finished with wrapping and finished with my Christmas cards as they are all stamped and ready to hit the mailbox. My problem? I hate decorating. It makes me feel like a grinch but I hate putting the tree up and getting the decorations out. So I’m avoiding it.
Amy, you finished your Christmas cards already?? My shopping is done, the minimal decorating that we’re doing is done, but the cards are always tough.
You guys have your tree already? Jeez, we usually don’t get ours until the middle of December. I guess when you get the tree doesn’t matter though, at least you have one (two if you count decorating)thing to check off of your list!
@Amy & Jeni: Oh, man! Christmas cards! I haven’t started thinking about that yet.
@Taylor: I like to put the tree up Thanksgiving weekend, for optimum tree-having time. I love the Christmas tree. It won’t happen this year (because it’s a live tree), but I have been known to leave it up until February.