Goodbye, Bristows

I started watching “Alias” in its first season, in 2001. The year we graduated college, got married and moved to Missouri. The year I started my first “real” job. I watched the last episode tonight with some friends under a strict no talking, no mocking rule (which they violated, repeatedly) that I instituted because I know the show has been awful for at least two seasons and that it’s infinitely mockable. But I wanted to stick it out. And I’m glad I did.

My friends asked a few times during the finale if I was going to cry. I didn’t … during the show. I was glad everyone cleared out so quickly after the closing credits, which included the phrase “Thank you for an incredible five years.” It sort of brought home the fact that we’re leaving in less than two months. I’ve grown to love this place and these people so much, and it’s almost over. And there won’t be a nice, soft-focus end to our story. We’ll move, and things here will carry on. We’ll carry on.

So yes, Amy, B and Rachel, I did cry when “Alias” ended. But it wasn’t because I’m going to miss the Family Bristow. It’s because I’m going to miss you and here and this time of my life.