Does it count as a ‘date’ if it’s unplanned?

Project 52: Date Nights logo

  • The person whose turn it was to plan the date forgetting to do so.
  • A sickish toddler.
  • We can look at this weekend’s “date” one of two ways. The first would be: It didn’t happen, because we were supposed to go out of town, Petey was having a volatile stomach, we changed our plans and I forgot to make a new plan. Or you could say: Things didn’t go as scheduled, but we had a nice weekend despite that.

    I’m going to go with the second of the two options.

    So, as I said, we were supposed to make a family trip out of town. About an hour before we were going to leave, though, Pete started throwing up. No fever or anything, but he definitely wasn’t feeling great. We nixed our plans, and he spent most of the day lounging in bed watching cartoons. (Two-year-olds who will do this are rare and most likely ill.) That evening, some friends came over and we played some board games after the kids were asleep.

    The rest of the weekend was more of the same: No fever, cheerful disposition, little appetite and a hard time keeping things down for the littlest fella.* So we spent a lot of time at home and, on Saturday evening, watched “Dan in Real Life.” It’s been on our Netflix queue for years, I think, and I wish we’d left it there. It was awful. After that, we watched “Dune,” because Rockford said he needed to wash “Dan in Real Life” away.

    I’m not sure we really had a “date night” this week, but we had a nice weekend despite that and the evening upchuckeries.

    * But only, weirdly, in the evenings. Any insight into this would be appreciated. He was looking a little puny on Saturday at dinner, and I asked him if everything was OK. He said, “Mommy, I don’t want to throw.” But he did. He was still having his whatever-this-is last night. We’re going to take him to the doctor tomorrow morning if he “throws” again today.

    7 thoughts on “Does it count as a ‘date’ if it’s unplanned?”

    1. So sorry to hear Pete is puny! I hope he’s better soon! And that none of the rest of you catch it! Glad you had a good weekend anyway. Upchuckery is a very cheerful word!

    2. this is waaay left field, but i wonder if he has blood sugar issues? that makes ME want to puke for no good reason.

    3. That stinks! I hope everything is ok. How sad for him.

      Glad you made the most out of your weekend despite all that was going on.

    4. @heather j: Poppy had an upset stomach for a few days last week, and I’ve been feeling a little off the last few days. But both of our issues manifested differently. I’ve been working under the assumption that it’s a relatively mild (but strange) virus. He usually has milk with dinner; we’re going to cut that out tonight and see if it makes a difference.

    5. aww, poor little guy. hope he feels better soon. and how amazing to the both of your for still having date night despite change of plans and a sick little fellow. you are amazing! what a great example to all of us. thanks for sharing!
      tiffany {Simply Modern Mom}
      .-= tiffany´s last blog ..Polaroids: 3-Year-Old’s Nibbles =-.

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