Category Archives: Uncategorized

Name that song

Here are the first lines of the first couple of songs from this morning’s shuffle. Can you name them?

1. “Stars shining bright above you, night breezes seem to whisper ‘I love you.’ ” (Way to go, Justin! It’s “Dream a Little Dream”)

2. “Got dirt, got air, got water and I know you can carry on.” (Carrie wins! It’s “The Good Times” by Modest Mouse)

3. “You walked into my house last night.”

4. “My my, at Waterloo Napoleon did surrender.”

5. “There is nothing that is wrong in wanting you to stay here with me.” (Carrie wins again! It’s “Lay Down Sally” by Eric Clapton”)

Puppy page

Favorites, 3/23

1. Henry on a plate. Is that a giant plate or a tiny baby? Either way, I like it.

2. here, girl. I like the look in his eyes.

3. The Great Escape. J Star always has the best jumping photos.

4. 149: Baring it.. I like the lighting and the lines.

5. Pecan cheesecake. This looks so yummy.

6. Balloons, St. Petersburg. Balloons make me happy.

7. sunlight through a green clover. Nice St. Patrick’s Day image.

8. Rooster Mugshot. I’m afraid of roosters. And yet, I’m drawn to this. He’s so charismatic.

9. Bright Future. This is a really striking image and a great capture.

10. sock shirt. There’s nothing better than a dog in clothes. Especially if those clothes are made from socks.

11. Teddy. Cutest dog ever?

12. Untitled. I love her smile and the all-encompassing glow.

Another first

Poppy just asked me for “more milk.” She’s been putting little sentences like that for a few weeks now, and it always makes me smile. And then, on her way back to watching “Sesame Street,” she turned my little smile into a great big grin. She said “A B C D E F G.” It’s the first time she’s put together more than “A B C.” I’m so proud!