Category Archives: Social Media

All things internet! We’re in your blogs and on your Facebook and in your Tweets!

Help a blogger out

The ads on don’t bring in loads of dough, but they do net enough to pay for the Web site. I hadn’t really thought about the effect that reading via RSS feed has on a bloggers’ ad revenue until I read about Kristen’s “Blog the Recession” idea at Motherhood Uncensored. Basically, unless you click through to the site, the blog owner doesn’t get “credit” for your page view. Kristen thought it would be nice to help one another out, which leads us to Blog the Recession:

The premise is simple. If you read blogs, then for the month of August, make the “pledge” to click through from your feed reader. … Just click through to the blog (not on ads unless you are so led) and if you’re feeling generous, click around to their older posts. Just those extra page views can make a big difference for bloggers who could really use the help.

I’m in. I’m going to try to keep it up after August, too. Every little bit (and every little click) helps.

Check out Motherhood Uncensored for more details about Blogging the Recession and to win prizes!

New Thickburger is subprime

Mushroom-Swiss has always been my favorite hamburger permutation. For years, that was the only “specialty” burger I would order. A few years ago, though, I started trying different types of specialty burgers, and I decided there were some others that were pretty good. Case in point: The Bonsai burger from Red Robin. With a nice, big slice of pineapple, some lettuce shreds, a light mayo sauce and a little soy, the Bonsai’s flavors all match really well. It’s a tasty burger.

But not all specialty burgers are created equal.

Hardees Prime-Rib Thickburger is neither thick nor prime-rib. It is meatier than a standard-issue fast-food burger, but it doesn’t measure up to something I might make at home. While the meat does taste like meat — and that’s never a given when it comes to a fast-food burger — it tastes more like ground beef than prime rib. It’s well-cooked ground beef, at least. It wasn’t dry.

The onions and the mushrooms are a nice touch, but the horseradish sauce is distracting and not very tasty. I would have preferred a kaiser roll or a standard hamburger bun to the “ciabatta” roll Hardees uses for the Prime-Rib Thickburger. Like the sauce, the flavor of the ciabatta didn’t mesh well.

Overall, I give the Prime-Rib Thickburger a solid C. Given the choice, I would prefer one of their standard, 99-cent cheeseburgers.

Clothes call

As I was watching “What Not to Wear” this evening, I wondered if there was a site online that would help someone of my (ahem) stature find something that would fit correctly and flatteringly. I do not enjoy shopping. I have odd proportions (short + round), and it’s hard to find anything that fits, much less looks nice. So I was excited to find MyShape, “an online store created for you.” The idea is that you take your measurements and input the numbers, and the site gives you a selection of clothes that will best fit you.

It took the site’s fashion gnomes about 30 seconds to discover a truth that I’ve known for some time: Nothing looks right on me. Except for one outfit. A pair of jeans from Seven7 and a “floral print top” from Just Living. Oh, or any of these.

Oh well. I guess I’ll just keep on not shopping.