Category Archives: Social Media

All things internet! We’re in your blogs and on your Facebook and in your Tweets!

It’s FTC Disclosure Day!

So! The FTC has decided to crack down on bloggers and their pesky little money-making schemes. I’d kind of been ignoring this altogether, because I don’t really make all that much money off this site. But I do make a little bit — and I’ve always tried to tell you when that was happening, such as the rare compensated review — so I probably ought to pay attention. Fortunately, I have Mir at WantNot and Mom-101 in my Google Reader, and they posted handy reminders that today is Disclosure Day!

What does that mean for us? It means I wrote up a Disclosure Page and that I’ll have to remember to add a line of hover text to any affiliate links I use. Everything else will stay pretty much the same, because I’ve always been up-front with you about freebies and giveaways I’ve received.