Category Archives: in brief

“Hey Mama, I’ve got a question.”

Here’s a “conversation” Pete had at me this morning. It started while I was in the bathroom, and it ended when we arrived at our first appointment of the day.

“Hey Mama, I’ve got a question. This isn’t a good time to ask it, though. But the question was: when you’re done can you find out if Iron Man can come to my birthday party? Because that would be really cool. Or maybe Spider-Man, because I still have those Spider-Man cupcake things. I know Iron Man’s normal job is saving the world, but it would be really cool if he came to my birthday. Or maybe Thor could come! I know Thor likes parties. You know what would be great? If ALL the Avengers were there! Maybe they could because they already defeated Galactus. He’s in the negative zone now. There’s infinity stuff there for him to eat. I’m glad I wasn’t around when he was here.”

He also mentioned that he’d be a little worried that Hulk would smash his cake if he showed up.

Bedtime is nigh

“What’s Poppy playing out there?” asks Pete, who has just finished his post-shower drip-all-over-the-floor-whilst-yelling-for-me-to-get-the-towel-that-is-right-next-to-him routine and is now getting dressed.

“I don’t know.”

“Go out there and see!”

“Just put your pants on and go see for yourself,” I say.

“Do I have to do everything around here?!?!”
