Category Archives: Eating

Chomp it up.

And now we are 41

It’s 8pm on my birthday, and I am ready to go to bed. This is because of (a) the time change and (b) all of the empanadas I ate for dinner. Here’s what we’re having for the rest of Birthday Week:

Monday: Empanadas!

Rockford and I went out to a pop-up empanada shop at a local bar while the kids were at play practice. We tried one of everything — pulled pork! smoked chicken! butternut squash! elote! apple pie! — and every single one was excellent. I’d eat them every day if I could.

Tuesday: Dim sum
This was originally going to be my birthday dinner, but then the empanadas happened.

Wednesday: Breakfast for dinner
Rockford pancakes for everyone!

Thursday: Poppyseed chicken casserole
Pete’s turning 12, so I’m making his favorite meal.
Friday: Pizza
May be frozen, may be Pizza Hut. We’ll see.

bears and nifflers and food

I am currently sitting in the sunroom, waiting for our resident bear. He’s run through our backyard twice in the last hour. I think he’s doing laps. I got this picture of him a few weeks ago. He was too fast for me this time.

I’m sure he won’t be back today, since I’m ready for him. I’d like to get a trail cam to put up in the yard. We get a pretty good amount of wildlife, and I’m relatively certain the beasties come by even when I’m not actively gazing out the window.

Speaking of beasties: Pete and I have had a lot of fun this week rescuing nifflers and kneazles and the like in the new “Harry Potter: Wizards United” game. I was shocked that Poppy had no interest in playing. I guess she’s grown out of her Harry Potter obsession. It was fun while it lasted.

In non-wild or -fantastical news, I have once again cobbled together a menu plan. It’s a pretty, pretty lazy plan, because it’s summer and I’m busy watching for bears.

Here’s what we’ll be having this week.

Monday: Sandwiches

It was supposed to be spaghetti night, but Pete just now came to complain about that while I was typing. So sandwiches it is. Hope you like ham, kid.

Tuesday: Fast food
Possibly Wendy’s.

Wednesday: Frozen pizza
What a healthful week I’ve planned.

Thursday: Spaghetti
I’m putting Pete in charge of this one.

wake up and smell the tofu scramble

I’ve been trying to do a better job of eating breakfast every day lately. I generally haven’t eaten breakfast at all because everything gives me a stomachache and I’ve got stuff to do. But then I realized that everything doesn’t give me a stomachache. Just eggs and dairy and, naturally, non-dairy yogurt, all of which are things that I have historically tried to eat for breakfast.

So I’ve been on the hunt for some breakfast foods that don’t include eggs or dairy or non-dairy yogurt. It’s been a little bit tough, because the internet is super-obsessed with yogurt parfaits and overnight oats soaked in yogurt and every single egg and also kale- and cauliflower-laden smoothies which ew no, internet.

I’m mainly eating fruit, oatmeal or avocado toast in the morning so far. Or a couple of veggie sausages or small handful of deli turkey, if I’m feeling extra lazy. Today it was a bowl of cherries.

If I’m ever not feeling lazy in the a.m., I might give one or two of these a shot:

  • Berry Crumble Breakfast Bake
  • Brownie Batter Protein Shake
  • Crispy Hashbrown Haystacks
  • Double Chocolate Beet Muffins
  • PB&J Chia Pudding

    Anywho, happy Wednesday to you. It’s nice to see you.