Category Archives: Eating

Chomp it up.

Waffles waffles everywhere, and all the jams did leak

This evening I needed to make a béchamel for my Thanksgiving mac & cheese, but instead I got carried off to Waffletown.

Rockford got a waffle maker a few months ago, and ever since he ordered it I’ve been making a mental note of all the amazing things one can do with a waffle maker. The Food Network says you can make pretty much anything in a waffle maker. Epicurious says you can put pretty much anything in a waffle. And Pillsbury says “Hey, lazy, just open a can and make a delicious cinnamon waffle. And I believed them. I believed them all. (Except for the bibimbap one. No way does that work.)

Since I was going to be busy with Thanksgiving prep tonight, Rockford volunteered to make breakfast for dinner, which ever since the waffle maker arrived means waffles. I knew I had puff pastry in the freezer for just this sort of evening, and then I discovered that I also had a can of cinnamon buns. It was clearly a sign, so I sloughed off my mac-n-cheese duties and started a kitchen experiment.

The first thing we tried were the Cinnamon Bun Waffles. They were OK. They would’ve been better if the cinnamon rolls weren’t basically just biscuits with cinnamon chips. The cinnamon bits burnt and left rather unsavory burnt bits behind.

After that we moved on to the Puffle. The Puffle, sayeth Epicurious, can be loaded up with anything your heart desires. Ham and cheese? Puffle it! S’mores? Puffle it! PB&J? Puffle it! So I rolled out my puff pastry and cut it to fit, and I loaded it up with Trader Joe’s cookie butter and cocoa swirl. And when I say “loaded it up,” I mean I didn’t put very much in, because I didn’t want it to leak.

Unburnt puffles. Their edges weren’t fully pinched yet.

But leak it did.

The puff pastry waffle was crispy and light, but its filling leaked all over the waffle maker and made an oily, unholy mess. I cleaned it out the best I could and moved on to the Peanut Butter and Jelly.

Having learned my gluttonous lesson, I put even less filling in this one. I also pinched the edges together with extra pinchocity. I was sure there wouldn’t be a leak this time.

But leak it did.

In just under 3 minutes, the scent of burnt jam began wafting through the kitchen. I removed the offending puffle and cast it aside.

And then I came here to my computer to write this report, with nothing to show for my evening but a Rather Impressive Mess, a pile of burnt waffles and zero béchamel.

So look on me, mighty, and despair: The waffle maker is a powerful tool — but use it wisely, lest you find yourself peeling burnt jam off its grid.

The feasts before the feast

On Saturday we went to the holiday parade and then drove all over the county looking at neighborhoods we might like to live in, and on Sunday we went to church, got pictures taken for the church directory, went to Poppy’s piano recital, and had dinner at my sister-in-law’s. It was a busy weekend, and I am ready for Thanksgiving break. Here’s what we’re eating for dinner in the lead-up to Turkey Day.

Monday: Out
There’s a new local restaurant doing a fundraiser night for Pete’s school. We’re going to try it out.

Tuesday: Breakfast For Dinner
I’ll be doing a little bit of Thanksgiving prep on Tuesday, so we’re having a very simple dinner.

Wednesday: Pizza
I tried Amy’s Vegan Margherita Pizza a few weeks ago, and it’s pretty darn tasty! I’m not sure if that’s because it’s actually good or because I’ve forgotten what cheese should taste like, but either way I’ll take it.

Thursday: Turkey etc.
I’m only in charge of mac & cheese and a dessert.

Friday: Leftovers
I’m hoping to load up on Thanksgiving leftovers to bring home. If that doesn’t pan out, we’ll probably have pizza again.

Hungry for more? Check out the Menu Plan Monday linkup at OrgJunkie.

In which I give in to my desire for stuffing

Hello friends! I hope you had an excellent weekend. We did a lot of house cleaning, raked our yard and helped Poppy rake the neighbor’s yard and made Trisha Yearwood’s Slow Cooker Pork Loin for Sunday night dinner. It was all-in-all a very nice weekend.

For no particular reason, this week I have crafted a menu plan that involves me not making dinner for the first two days. C’est la vie, say the old folks. Here’s what’ll be on our table this week:

Monday: Out
This probably would’ve been Chipotle night, but I’m currently boycotting Chipotle for charging me something like $2 to add black beans to Pete’s quesadilla. I could’ve bought a whole can of beans for less than that, Chipotle. Anyway, I’m not sure what we’ll have but someone else will be preparing it.

Tuesday: Breakfast For Dinner
Rockford recently marked his 10th year of employment at his workplace, and they honored that by giving him a waffle maker. Actually, they gave him a digital catalog and said “Here, pick something,” and he picked a waffle maker because he loves waffles. And he has been all about waffles since it arrived. So he’s making WaffleDinner on Tuesday.

Wednesday: Baked chicken and stuffing
I’ve been yearning for a bowl of stuffing and gravy recently, and while I know The Annual Celebration of Stuffing is nearly upon us I decided not to wait. But I didn’t want to serve just stuffing for dinner — even though that may be all I eat — so I’m baking some chicken, too.

Thursday: Tacos
We could (and often do) have tacos twice a week every week and be happy. Maybe not healthy, but happy.

Friday: Pizza
I went out of my way last week to find a store that sells Amy’s Vegan Margherita Pizza, and it was legitimately delicious. Or maybe I’ve just forgotten what cheese tastes like. Regardless, I’m having another one this week on pizza night.

Hungry for more? Check out the Menu Plan Monday linkup at OrgJunkie.