My sister-in-law posted something disparaging on Facebook about the return of the culotte, and I couldn’t remember what they looked like. I am, for the record, neutral on the subject. They would look terrible on me — as would everything else on Zara’s culotte page — but perhaps they’ll be stunning on you. And even if they aren’t? Go ahead and wear ’em if you like ’em. They look comfortable, and that’s all that matters to those of us who adhere to the Mrs. Roper Guide to Style.
Do you still need to put an address on your resume?
The answer is: No, you do not.
Deadly Australian animals
There are a lot of them, and Poppy didn’t put any of them on her poster of Australia for World Geography because they freaked her out.
Dairy free scalloped potatoes
I can’t decide whether or not they’d be worth the trouble. I make give the Just a Pinch version a try anyway.
whole-house dehumidifier
They’re expensive. Time to start a savings plan.
It’s the return of the All & Sundry survey! I’m not sure if it’s still a going concern over there, but we’re going to do it again here regardless. (Here are 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2015 editions.)
Marsha T. Cat and I like to kick off a new year with a good snuggle.
What did you do in 2016 that you’d never done before?
I didn’t realize it until I started going through my photo files for this post, but 2016 was a year of quite a few firsts for us. I managed to get tickets to a secret Louis CK show, which is something I definitely have not done before. We sent both kids to a week at camp; I was a nervous wreck, but they had a great time. The kids and I rode the Seven Dwarves Mine Train for the first time. The kids entered some stuff into our local fair and brought home some prizes. Pete and I did our first voter-registration drive. And most importantly, we celebrated our first Cubs World Series win.
Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I resolved to make more homemade pizzas last year. That seems like an easy one to keep, and yet I did not manage it. This year I’m going to try to treat myself with more kindness and mercy, and I’m going to try to go out with Rockford more often.
Marsha T. Cat wasn’t very hospitable to our canine pal who visited in February.
Did anyone close to you give birth?
I have a couple of new baby cousins!
Did anyone close to you die?
Let’s not talk about death this year.
I have no idea what was going on with Marsha T. Cat and her list in March.
What countries did you visit?
I did not leave the United States yet again this year.
What would you like to have in 2017 that you lacked in 2016?
I’m copying and pasting from last year’s: Willpower in the face of delicious, unhealthy foods and the motivation to work out regularly.
Judging by Marsha T. Cat’s double-blanket napping, we must’ve had some chilly weather in April.
What dates from 2016 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
November 8 wasn’t my favorite.
What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Man, I don’t know.
Marsha T. Cat is a big fan of sitting on people’s backs, but the only photographic evidence I have of it for 2016 is this picture from May.
What was your biggest failure?
OK, so I had tickets for “Hamilton” in my cart, and then I didn’t buy them because they were so expensive and we’d have to fly up to New York and stay in a hotel and… and… and…
And I’ve regretted not buying them ever since.
Did you suffer illness or injury?
Nothing terrible, thankfully.
Marsha T. Cat practiced her Blue Steel in June.
What was the best thing you bought?
We bought a new-to-us car. That was pretty great.
Where did most of your money go?
To the mortgage, as usual.
July was, naturally, when Marsha T. Cat met the Pokemon.
What did you get really excited about?
The Cubs.
What song will always remind you of 2016?
“Go Cubs Go.”
Marsha T. Cat was Poppy’s model for her entry in the Photography contest at the fair.
What do you wish you’d done more of?
I wish we’d taken a few more hikes as a family.
What do you wish you’d done less of?
Worrying about my pants size.
Marsha T. Cat is always curious about the kids’ activities when we start school. This September was no exception.
How did you spend Christmas?
We spent Christmas with my dad, his girlfriend and the Perry Mason family.
What was your favorite TV program?
We started watching “Speechless” as a family this year. It’s our first appointment television as a family, so it’ll always be a little special.
Marsha T. Cat gets cozy in October. Noticing a trend?
What were your favorite books of the year?
I’m going to post my Books of 2016 post tomorrow, so be sure to return for that riveting programming. My favorite book of the year was “West with the Night” by Beryl Markham.
What was your favorite music from this year?
“Hamilton Mixtape” and Tribe Called Quest’s “We Got it from Here, Thank You 4 Your Service.”
Marsha T. Cat and I also enjoy celebrating my birthday in November with some cuddle time.
What were your favorite films of the year?
I didn’t like “Rogue One” as much as “The Force Awakens,” but I did like it quite a bit.
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 38 this year, and we went to see “Doctor Strange.”
This December, poor Marsha T. Cat was briefly stalked by a Wampa.
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Getting those “Hamilton” tickets.
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2016?
I actually have a personal fashion concept this year. I’m trying to be more comfortable with myself, which has lead me to a Jim James Meets Mrs. Roper aesthetic. It’s slightly less wacky than it sounds, although it probably wouldn’t be if I weren’t relying on Dia to send me the appropriate attire. It’s a clothing subscription service for plus-size ladies, and I’ve been very happy with it. Here’s my Dia link if you want to check it out. I’ll get a $20 credit if you sign up.