Category Archives: Family matters

In which we discuss matters of the family.

A very brief ode to my dad

Today is my dad’s birthday. He lives 713 miles away from us, and I wish he lived closer. If he did, I would have baked him a cake. Instead I will show you a picture of him working on my brother’s house, and I will eat a piece of my own leftover cake.

That's my dad cutting a hole in the side of my brother's house. For real.
That's my dad cutting a hole in the side of my brother's house. For real.

My dad is awesome. He’s good at fixing stuff, and he’s pretty funny. We like him a lot.

Happy birthday, Dad!

Adding it up: The true cost of P90X

Nichole’s brother is doing that P90X thing. He’d appreciate your support and motivation, so he’s sharing his experience here at Butterscotch Sundae. Which is a pretty funny name for a place to talk about Feeling The Burn and whatnot.

As promised, this is a short post to tell you what supplements I’m putting into my body. I’m doing this for purposes of full disclosure on two points. First, to judge the true cost of the P90X system. Second, to put my P90X vs. cheeseburgersresults, whatever they may be, into full perspective.

With respect to the cost point, I’ve now spent:

  • $70 on the system itself (which includes the dvds and a lot of great literature to help you along — including the diet).
  • $75 on a pull-up tower from Craigslist.
  • $110 on a fancy adjustable set of dumbbells.
  • $40 on yoga mats.
  • $80 on some rockin’ snap-together exercise flooring for the room I’ve set up as exercise HQ.
  • An absurd $200 on the supplements highlighted in this post.

    So, this has not been nearly as cheap as I thought it would be. I’m a little upset by the overall cost, but if I get results, I guess it will be worth it.
    P90X supplements
    To the supplements. The two small bottles on the left in the photo above are fish oil tablets and mutlivitamins. From left to right after that, we have 100% Casien Protein Powder; 100% Whey Protein Powder; NoExplode Pre-Workout Drink Powder; Dark Matter Post-Workout Drink Powder; Protein Bars. The idea is that I will drink a protein shake for breakfast and another after my workout, a protein bar as a snack during the day, and pre- and post-workout drinks as you would imagine.

    I’ve had one of everything so far, and I can tell you that the protein shakes are delicious, the NoExplode tastes like sour patch kids and has the effect of 10 red bulls, the Dark Matter has the consistency of motor oil and tastes horrible, and the protein bars are so good I could eat them for ever meal. I’ve never taken anything like any of this stuff, so it will be interesting to see the effect.

  • Perry Mason and the case of getting older and wider

    I’m turning Thursdays over to my brother, who’s sharing his experience with P90X with us (also: he’ll have a bonus post tomorrow). I have to say: It’s breaking my heart to hear how hard he’s being on himself. Also: The “and the case of” titles are wearing on me. We may have seen the last of them. -N

    On Sunday, I put in disk 1 of P90X. Hopefully, 90 days later — That’s January 29, 2011. -N — I’ll be able to tell you that (1) I made it through; and (2) I’m better for it. But first, you’ll need to know where I am now. Here are my stats:

    P90X vs. cheeseburgersGender: Male

    Age: 27

    Height: 5’8″

    Weight: 172.2 pounds.

    The internet tells me this is consistent with an “overweight” man of my age and height.

    Body Fat: 25.9 percent.

    The internet tells me this is consistent with an “obese” man of my age and height.

    Chest: 38 inches

    Waist: 37 inches

    Hips: 41.5 inches

    Thighs: 20.5 inches each

    R. Bicep: 13.5 inches

    L. Bicep: 13 inches

    In addition to these physical composition statistics, step one of P90x is actually to take a physical test to ensure you are physically fit enough to actually do the videos. I passed (barely). Here are my results:

    Pullups: 1.75

    Vert. Leap: 12 inches

    Push ups: 29

    Toe Touch: 0 inches.

    The Toe Touch exercise requires that you sit on the floor with your legs in front of you, bending at the waist and reaching for your toes. Without bending your knees, you are to measure how far past (or short of) your toes you can reach. I could touch my toes but nothing further.

    Wall Squat: 1 minute, 18 seconds.

    Think: Back against the wall and knees bent such that you are sitting in a chair with no seat. Hold that pose for as long as you can. You can slide your bum down the wall as you get tired, but time stops as soon as it touches the ground.

    20-pound curls: 30.

    20-pound weights in each arm, curling simultaneously (not alternating). Women get to use 8 lb. weights.

    In-Outs: 42.

    Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you. Lean back slightly, and place your arms at your sides just behind your bum for support. Lift your legs a few inches off the ground. Pull your knees into your chest as far as you can, and then extend your legs back out straigh, keeping them off the ground. You’ve completed one in-out. How many can you do without your legs touching the ground?

    Finally, I was required to take my resting heart rate, do 1.5 minutes of jumping jacks at a quick pace immediately followed by 30 seconds at as quick a pace as I could manage, and then check my heart rate immediately, 1 minute thereafter, 2 minutes thereafter, 3 minutes thereafter and 4 minutes thereafter. Note that I was truly barely able to complete this exercise alive. Here were the results:

    Resting: 74 bpm.

    Immediately Post-Jacks: 160 bpm.

    1 min. Post-Jacks: 128 bpm.

    2 min. Post-Jacks: 115 bpm.

    3 min Post-Jacks: 108 bpm.

    4 min Post-Jacks: 102 bpm.

    So there you have it: The state of me, pre-P90X. I am ashamed. To give you some perspective, 10 years ago I was a wrestler in high school. I weighed 135 pounds and had a body fat of about 8 percent. So, I’ve managed to pack on 40 pounds in 10 years (4 pounds per year) and increase my bodyfat over 300 percent. If I don’t start doing something about this, by the time I’m 40, I’ll weigh 224 pounds, and I’ll have a bodyfat percentage of a gazillion. This is not unfounded for my family, so it’s time to get it in gear.