Category Archives: Family matters

In which we discuss matters of the family.

I think I’m standing in my way

Part of the “3 in 30” program is a weekly update, and I am so not proud to provide it this week. Because I’ve made almost zero progress on my April goals.


3 in 30

Lose 5 pounds

This isn’t going so well. I’ve been doing Weight Watchers for awhile, to no avail. It seems that just paying them doesn’t actually make the pounds go away. So I should probably say I’ve been giving my money to the Weight Watchers corporation. I didn’t do a great job this week, nutritionally speaking, but I did at least write down what I ate. Mostly. I think. Next week’s goal: Write everything down, and don’t eat any more cake. Or doughnuts.


We’re eight days into April. And I’ve logged one day of exercise. That was yesterday, when I mowed the lawn and went to the gym. Fourteen days to go. Exercising once every eight days won’t get me there.

Counting blessings

Writing down a few things every evening. This was the simplest thing on my list. And I haven’t started doing it yet. I need a kick in the pants. Sheesh.

Step by step (ooo baby), I’m gonna get to my goals

I’ve been sitting here for half an hour trying to write this in a more interesting way, but I’m not having much luck in the eloquence department this morning. So enough with that nonsense. Here’s what I was trying to say: I’m signing on with a goal-setting thing called “3 in 30.” The general idea is that you set three smallish goals, and you accomplish them in 30 days. Then the following month you set three more goals, and eventually all your dreams have come true. (Results may vary.)

Here are my goals for April.

3 in 30

Lose 5 pounds

I need to lose 5 pounds about 10 times over, but the point of this “3 in 30” thing is to attack your goals in small chunks (pun only sort of intended). So by May 1st, I’d like to weigh 5 pounds less than I do right now. This means more exercise and less cake. Which leads us to goal the second:


I have a gym membership. I have that EA Sports game for the Wii. I have functional legs and a hideously steep hill I could be climbing. And yet? I so rarely take advantage of any of those things. April has 30 days, and I’m going to shoot for doing something exercisey on at least half of them.

Counting blessings

I was writing down things that made me happy every evening. It was a nice way to end the day, and I think it helped me have a more positive attitude when things weren’t so lovely. I’m not sure why I stopped doing it, but I’m going to take it back up this month.