Category Archives: Family matters

In which we discuss matters of the family.

Maybe my May goal should have been “keep it together”

We got off to a jarring start this week, with Poppy waking up Sunday night with scream-inducing ear pain. She was up and miserable for most of the night. She has an ear infection and has been medicated and feeling fine since Monday morning. It set the tone for a rather off-kilter week in which I didn’t accomplish much.

3 in 30

Consistent exercise

I’m aiming for 4 days a week. This week I only made it to the gym twice. And I didn’t make up the other two days with anything else.

Follow Weight Watchers

Nope, not even a little bit.

Be patient

This one’s so hard to quantify, exactly. I’ve been alright on this some days and not so much on others. Today, for example: Not so much.

I’m looking at a pretty stressful next week, and today is trying to squash me like a bug. (I don’t really want to get into either one of those issues just now, but prayers would be nice.)

Three little goals and how they turned out

I didn’t get up to watch the Royal Wedding this morning. And then I forgot to turn on the TV until just after the kissing. I hadn’t planned to get up early enough to watch a couple of strangers get married, but I was a little disappointed to learn that I’d been sweeping up cat food rather than watching England’s most romantic moment.

Anyway. This wasn’t supposed to be about the glamorous young people! (But really: How lovely was she? Beautiful girl, gorgeous dress. I hope they have a long and wonderful marriage.)

OK. No more royalty. Really. Let’s talk about me instead. Specifically, the April “3 in 30” challenge. Here’s how it went:

3 in 30

&#x2718 Lose 5 pounds

I sort of lost 6 pounds. Except that I also gained 5, which leaves me with a net loss of 1 measly pound. Which I guess is better than nothing, but I’m still disappointed. I can’t blame the Easter candy exclusively, but the candy binge certainly didn’t help matters.

&#10003 Exercise

My goal was to do some sort of exercise on at least 15 days this month. I’m at 13 days now. So if I can make myself do something today and tomorrow, I’ll have accomplished this goal! And I have to do something tomorrow, because I’m meeting with my trainer again.

&#10003 Counting blessings

I certainly wasn’t consistent with this, but I did record a few things. They’re on the 1,000 Gifts page.

I’ll take two out of three, but I’m hoping to do better in May. My overall goal in May is going to lose those 5 pounds that eluded me this month. Here are my “3 in 30” goals for next month:

Consistent exercise

I’m aiming for doing something at least four days a week.

Follow Weight Watchers

I’ve been paying for Weight Watchers for months and months, but I haven’t been consistently staying within the prescribed parameters. So in May, I’m going to try to do that.

Be patient

This might not seem like it’s in line with the “lose 5 pounds” goal, but trust me. It is. I’m most definitely a stress eater, and my snack-seeking sensors are always on high alert as soon as the kids go upstairs for their daily “quiet time.” It seems like the kids have been whinier and less cooperative lately, but it might just be that I’m not weathering things as well. Either way, I need to find a way to be more loving when they’re having attitude issues. I haven’t decided how to go about that yet, and I’m not sure that it’s going to be something that’s easily measured. But it needs to be dealt with, for them and for me.