Category Archives: Family matters

In which we discuss matters of the family.

I am still waiting for my miniature giraffe

This morning my brother sent me an email with the subject line “Instead of a Dog.” Inside, there was a link to a post on his local Craigslist. For these guys:

$150. Or two for $250.

They’re described as “Miniature Miniature Donkeys Very Small.” The listing doesn’t say exactly how small a miniature miniature donkey is, but I’d like to think they’re about the size of a fox terrier.

In unrelated news: Today is November 18th! That means it’s time for our annual Short List of Songs My iPod Played This Morning. (11/18/09 + 11/18/10 = tradition)

  1. Curtains, Hem
  2. Geek Down, Jay Dee aka J Dilla
  3. The Levee’s Gonna Break, Bob Dylon
  4. Death of an Interior Decorator, Death Cab for Cutie
  5. Sailor, Hem
  6. Ain’t Talkin’, Bob Dylan
  7. One Sunday Morning (Song for Jane Smiley’s Boyfriend), Wilco
  8. Little Lion Man, Mumford & Sons
  9. Wild Mtn Jam, Blitzen Trapper
  10. El Gatillo (Trigger Revisited), Calexico

The first time we saw Marsha

There are three stories in our family anthology that the children frequently ask to hear: The First Time We Saw Poppy; The First Time We Saw Pete; and The First Time We Saw Marsha.

This is the story of The First Time We Saw Marsha.

It was 2002 or so. We had just moved from our first apartment into a duplex, where we were allowed to have pets of the furry variety. (We had a fish named Gil, and he was a good fish. But he was not cuddly.) Rockford is not a Dog Person, and I wasn’t ready to sign on for all of the responsibilities that a dog requires anyway. So we agreed to get a cat.

I spent a good amount of time searching the internet for kittens. (This is a habit I have retained to this day. The internet is, after all, built on kittens.) After a few weeks, I found an animal rescue in St. Louis that had a litter of kittens. They were too small to adopt immediately, which meant that we’d have time to collect the necessaries. The kittens were in a foster home, so we made arrangements with the family to stop by to see the kittens.

I don’t remember much about the family or the house, but I do remember that they put baby gates up to contain the kitties. There were seven of them, all small enough to hold in your hand. Greg, Marsha, Peter, Jan, Cindy, Bobby and Alice. We sat down in the middle of the floor, and we watched the kittens run around the room, stumbling and tumbling over each other and us.

Except for the littlest one of all. She didn’t run around or tumble or stumble. She walked over to Rockford, crawled into his lap and curled up for a snooze.

And that is how Marsha T. Cat chose us.

If I ever took pictures of Kitten Marsha, they have disappeared.

A growing appreciation for simple pleasures

A few weeks ago at dinner, Poppy asked if we could all share our favorite part of the day. We’ve continued doing it almost every night since then. I have a tendency to focus on the negative, so it’s been good for me, being “forced” to remember something nice that happened over the course of the day.

My favorite part of yesterday was our trip to the library. It takes us about 10 minutes to walk to the library from our house, and the walk over is almost always pleasant. There’s nothing, really, to distract us from one another. And the fire station is right next to the library, which means sometimes we get to see the fire trucks.

Our library is a small branch of the regional library, and it usually isn’t all that busy. It was yesterday, though; lots of people paying for computer print-outs, getting new library cards and having long discussions about reiki healing with the one librarian at the checkout desk. Pete and Poppy stayed in the children’s area while I waited in line. Pete browsed the DVDs and then worked on puzzles, and Poppy sat down, propped her feet up and read Berenstain Bears books until it was time to go. It was probably the most peaceful trip I’ve ever taken to the library with the two of them. I’m hoping it wasn’t an anomaly.

And then later Rockford came home. That’s always my favorite part of the day. And when Poppy and I sat down on the couch for some independent reading? Also my favorite part.

But I’m forgetting about when Pete came in early (early) in the morning for some cuddling. And when Marsha T. Cat climbed up to lay on my shoulder, just like when she was a kitten. And when Poppy was singing Somewhere Only We Know while she did her schoolwork.

I kinda like having so many Good Things to choose from.