Category Archives: Family matters

In which we discuss matters of the family.

Things to do in March

Looking over February’s “Things to Do” list makes me wonder whether I actually did anything at all last month. Reorganize my “office” was on January and February’s lists. It’s still chaos in there. The living room is painted now — it’s Glazed Pears! — but I still haven’t hung (hanged?) any pictures. Technically, I did lose 5 pounds last month. Unfortunately it was all in one 12-hour, virus-stricken night, so those 5 pounds are quickly returning. I did let Poppy invite some friends over for a Valentine’s Day party, but we had to cancel it because the kids were both sick. I’m sensing a theme. And finally: I fell laughably short of the “800 minutes of exercise” goal. Insanely, laughably and pathetically short.

So for March, I’m going to hit reset and try again. Here are some Things I’d Like to Accomplish in March:

  • Reorganize my office area.
  • Hang pictures in the living room.
  • Log 400 minutes of exercise.

  • Surely I can get at least one of those done this month. C’mon, self! Get motivated!

    Where have you gone, blogging mojo?

    Firstly, a few items related to health

    1. We have been huddled here at home, sneezing and sniffling and hacking for days and days and days now. It’s getting a bit old. Today I have no voice. The children kind of enjoy that.
    2. Earlier this week I had a doctors appointment for something completely unrelated to my cold, and it did not go well. I might tell you more about that once we reach a final solution. But I also might not, because it’s kind of a delicate lady issue and I am kind of a delicate lady and I’ve already changed my mind about posting this at all three times now. So let’s call this a Very Vague Prayer Request.

    Secondly, something else

    1. How was your Valentine’s Day? Mine was fine. Our anniversary is in early February, so it seems like overkill to do anything for Valentine’s Day. And so I spent the evening watching the Westminster Dog Show and eating popcorn while Rockford was on a conference call. It was very romantic.

    Things to do in February

    I didn’t make all that much progress on January’s list. Good thing we have an extra day in February this year! Here are some things I’d like to accomplish this month.

  • Reorganize my “office.” This is one of those things that didn’t happen in January.
  • Paint the living room and hang pictures. This also wasn’t done in January. I’m still waffling on the color.
  • Lose 5 pounds. This would be on the list even if I had accomplished it last month (which I didn’t; I lost half a pound). It’s going to be on the list again and again and again, regardless of how many times I actually get it done.
  • Let Poppy invite some friends over for a Valentine’s Day party.
  • Get in at least 800 minutes of exercise. Which would undoubtedly help with that lose-5-pounds thing. And here’s a little running lady to show you how close I am to crossing this off the list! Run, little lady! Run! (I won’t be doing any running at all.)