My extended family is entering a period of Exciting Things. My youngest brother will be graduating from high school in June, and in September we’ll be saying hello to Perry Mason Jr. And I’m celebrating all of this by looking at stationery.
No, seriously.
Events like graduations and new babies should be announced to the world in style, so with a little help from I’ve taken it upon myself to find the perfect graduation announcement for Youngest and the perfect baby announcement for Perry Mason Jr.
I love all of Minted’s frilly, girly announcements as well as the braggy ones that give you room to announce your GPA, but neither is really Youngest’s style. So for his graduation announcements, I’m looking for something modern and streamlined. Here’s what I’ve narrowed it down to:
In addition to making entirely cute baby announcements, Minted will address them for you. For free. That is an awesome service for new parents. We’re still a few weeks away from finding out whether Perry Mason Jr. will be a Percival or a Persephone, so I didn’t discriminate between the frilly and the not. Here are my favorite for the little ones:
I also checked out Minted’s wedding invitations, and some of them made me want to remarry Rockford just so I could send some of them out. Case in point: The Happy Couple would be for my classy-casual outdoor wedding, and Vintage Blush would be for my “Doctor Who”-themed wedding. Either way I’ll be wearing this dress and we’ll have tacos and root beer for dinner cookies and brownies and cute tiny pies for dessert and we’ll dance until dawn and you’re all invited.
Today is the first day we’ve been anywhere near functional this week, and I’d say we’re all still around 80 percent. We’ve all been sick at the same time before, but this is the first time we’ve all been sick with different things. Poppy has a double ear infection and a cold; Pete had a stomach bug that totally wiped him out, and he seems to be coming down with a cold now; and I just have a measly old cold. So I guess we do have the same thing. The kids just have extra special bonus illnesses.
We haven’t gotten much done this week, and I’d imagine that trend is going to continue. We missed Pete’s basketball practice, the kids’ art class, Poppy’s ballet class and their swim lessons. We’ve all been wearing pajamas since Sunday night. The kids have been taking 2-hour naps twice a day and watching “Pink Panther and Pals” and “Rocky and Bullwinkle” between naps. I’ve watched half of the first season of “The West Wing.”
Pete finally wanted to eat something today, and he hasn’t had a fever in 24 hours. He managed to keep a bowl of Jello, some applesauce and a quarter of a slice of toast down.
Poppy’s ears hurt a little less than they did, but she’s still running a low fever. How long should we let that go on before we go back to the doctor?