Category Archives: Family matters

In which we discuss matters of the family.

Six months

I can’t believe it’s been six months since Poppy was born. She’s been such a blessing to us. Everything has changed in our lives in the last six months, but I can barely remember what we used to do with all of our time!

At six months old, Poppy:

  • weighs 17 pounds, 3 ounces.
  • is 26 inches long. Just 3 feet taller, and she’ll be eye-to-eye with Mommy! Yikes!
  • loves carrots, sweet potatoes, green peas, peaches, pears and apples.
  • doesn’t love bananas at all.
  • has pretty much lost interest in the cats.
  • loves her stuffed llama, Bible class and relaxing on Mommy and Daddy’s bed.
  • rocks on her hands and knees.
  • loves “Snuggle Puppy,” “Barnyard Dance” and “Pajama Time.”
  • melts Mommy’s heart with every gummy little grin.
  • is the sweetest little peach I’ve ever known.
  • 5 years and counting

    I don’t post as frequently as I should but I thought today being the special day that it is (our 5th wedding anniversary), I should put something up for everyone to read and thus know how much I love my wife.

    I love Nichole more than (in no particular order):
    -The Cubs
    -my music collection
    -my science
    -my sunglasses
    -Magnum PI
    -sitting around on a Sunday watching golf
    -sitting around on a Sunday watching the Cubs
    -sitting around doing pretty much anything on a Sunday
    -pie, cake, donuts, and any other sweet treat you can think of

    Things I love to do with Nichole (Also in no particular order)
    -go to concerts, especially at the Blue Note
    -watch Poppy sleep in her crib
    -watch Poppy play in her excersaucer
    -roughhouse like we were still little kids
    -watch TV shows we recorded on tape
    -try new restaurants
    -go on roadtrips (even small ones to crappy places like Rolla!)
    -go to church
    -walk around Target or Hyvee
    -watch MST3K and laughing until our sides hurt
    -relaxing on a Saturday morning

    Things that I am looking forward to doing with Nichole:
    -buying our first house
    -making that house a home
    -raising Poppy (and whoever else may show up someday)
    -moving overseas and seeing Europe
    -going to Abigails for dinner tonight
    -growing up and growing….more seasoned!

    Some song lyrics that I associate with Nichole:

    Comes a time
    by Neil Young

    Comes a time
    when you’re driftin’
    Comes a time
    when you settle down
    Comes a light
    feelin’s liftin’
    Lift that baby
    right up off the ground.

    from Muzzle of Bees
    by Jeff Tweedy

    Sun gets passed, sea to sea
    Silently, and back to me
    With the breeze blown through
    Pushed up above the leaves

    With the breeze blown through
    My head upon your knee
    Half of it’s you, half is me
    Half of it’s you, half is me

    from War on War
    by Jeff Tweedy

    You have to die
    You have to die
    You have to learn how to die
    If you want to want to be alive


    from Shot in thr Arm
    by Jeff Tweedy

    Something in my veins, bloodier than blood

    from Razor love
    by Neil Young

    But I got faith in you,
    It’s a razor love
    that cuts clean through.
    I got faith in you,
    It’s a razor love
    that cuts clean through.

    from The Gash
    by Wayne Coyne

    Will the fight for our sanity
    Be the fight of our lives?

    One-week retrospective

    We’re having a nice, quiet Sunday afternoon. Rockford and Poppy are watching golf, and I think I’m going to finish watching “Junebug” in a bit. I’ve watched the first 44 minutes, and I haven’t decided yet whether I like it.

    Poppy had her first bowl of oatmeal today. She liked it (even though it wasn’t made Grandpa-style). She tried peaches yesterday and, from what I understand, wasn’t a fan. So far she prefers peas and carrots to apples and peaches. Who is this kid?

    Oatmeal, Grandpa-style
    Bowl of oatmeal
    1 pint half and half
    1 cup Splenda
    3 cups raisins

    Stir half pint of half and half into oatmeal with raisins and Splenda. Eat slowly. Add additional half and half with each bite.