Category Archives: Family matters

In which we discuss matters of the family.

Real Life

It’s Saturday, but it’s pretty late and the Sunday Scribblers say it’s OK to go ahead and post my response. This week’s prompt is Real Life. I first tried to craft my response yesterday, but everything I wrote was pretty dreary. So I’m going to try it again with, we’ll hope, a little more sunshine.

Sunday Scribblings

“Real life” is not what I’d expected it to be. It’s bills and dishes and baked potatoes and vacuuming and scrubbing the bathtub and diapers diapers diapers. But it’s also so much more than I could have ever hoped. It’s Rockford bringing me breakfast in bed. It’s Poppy’s sweet smile and her giggles and her toes and her soft, shampoo-perfumed hair tickling my nose. It’s a warm cat, a cozy afghan and a good book on a chilly morning. It’s pie and ice cream on my birthday. It’s my friends and my family and knowing that I am loved. Knowing that I’m blessed.

And I am blessed. Every day. I know that, but it’s so easy to get bogged down in what “real life” was supposed to be, what “The Cosby Show” and the cotton commercials and the Lifetime movies said it would be. But I wouldn’t trade my real life for all the funky sweaters in Cliff Huxtable’s closet.

Out and about

It was a beautiful day in our neighborhood today, so we took Poppy out to the park. She was due for a nap, and I figured she’d fall asleep on the way there. She didn’t, and she was a little bit crabby while we were there. She did fall asleep on the way back home, and she was sleeping in the stroller until just now.

Sick days

Poppy hasn’t been feeling well the last few days; she’s fighting off another cold. We’ve spent the last several evenings hanging out at home, watching the Olympics. Poppy likes the skeleton and figure skating contests best of all.

And the little one got her first taste of ice cream! Rockford brought home a couple of concretes, and he shared a few small bites with Poppy. Poppy liked the ice cream, but the banana mixed in gave her the shudders.