I wish I’d appreciated how good I had it when I was a kid. No work, no bills, summer vacation. It’s true: Youth is wasted on the young. I spent most of my long, uneventful summer days wishing I had something to “do.” I can’t remember much of what I did to pass the time then, but
here are a few things I do recall:
It’s been a long time since I had a summer like that. But “strange things are afoot at the Circle K.” We’re moving at the end of June, and we’ll sort of be hobos until August. I know it won’t be quite the same, but I’m so looking forward to it. There will be, I hope, reading by the pool (and floating and diving and maybe even Marco Polo) and bike rides and motorcycle rides. I might have a blue raspberry freeze, I will certainly have sizzling rice soup and mongolian beef. And this time around, I plan to enjoy every minute of it.