Category Archives: Family matters

In which we discuss matters of the family.

Choose your own adventure

Several people have asked why we so abruptly changed our plans. There were many reasons, and I really don’t want to go into great detail here. So I’ll let you pick your favorite reason, and we’ll move on from there.

We left the Netherlands because:
a) We felt that we should be closer to our family.
b) Nichole landed a spot on “Rock Star: Whitesnake.”
c) Poppy developed an irrational fear of bicycles.
d) We wanted to experience dual unemployment.

What’s next

We’re going back to North Carolina, and we’re going to try to stay afloat until Rockford either finds a teaching job with a university or a community college or he finishes a licensure program to teach at a secondary school. I know this is a circuitious route we’re taking, and I know it sounds more than a little bit crazy, but I’m confident that we’ll be just fine. I have faith that God will provide.

Now, on a more humorous note, I bring you Too Cold:

Scene: Dutch fast-food place
Rockford: I’d like the kipnugget menu, please. With ketchup.
Counter Guy: We don’t have ketchup.
Rockford: How about barbecue sauce?
Counter Guy: You come to the right place for barbecue sauce! It comes in these little cups.
Cross-eyed Guy: It’s too cold for the barbecue sauce!

Are you sitting down?

So …

We’re coming home.

I know this is a convoluted thing, and I don’t really have alot of time to go into it right now.

You could call it a mid-life crisis, I guess.

Don’t worry; it’s a good thing. And they found our lost bag! It’s in Amsterdam! Where we’ll be on Monday!