Category Archives: Family matters

In which we discuss matters of the family.

Worth it.

I don’t have a lot of scars. There’s one on my right wrist and another on the thumb on my left hand. I don’t recall how I got them, but I’m sure I was very traumatized at the time. They’ve been part of me for a long time, though, and I’ve grown fond of them.

My biggest scar is on my stomach. It’s several inches across. Sometimes it itches, and sometimes it burns. It’s not pretty. But I like it anyway. It’s my favorite scar.

Without it, I wouldn’t have my girl.

Check out Owlhaven for more scar stories.

No place I’d rather be.

After a week of heat, it finally started to feel like fall today. It rained in the morning, and Poppy and I spent most of the day playing in our living room. I watched the leaves change color outside our apartment as the day passed.

Rockford came home from work and danced with our daughter. We had dinner; Poppy had a bath and went to bed. And now Rockford and I are sitting in the living room, listening to My Morning Jacket on the record player. I’m not wild about My Morning Jacket; I was singing along, making up my own lyrics (which might have been mocking, a little), and Rockford said, “You know, there’s no place I’d rather be right now.”

I agree. This was a good day.