Category Archives: Family matters

In which we discuss matters of the family.

On Wednesday I was triumphant (after a long, long while)


I had a hard time falling asleep Tuesday night, so I took half of a melatonin. Which meant that I had a hard time waking up yesterday morning. Once I was finally lucid, though, my mom and I removed her truck’s battery and I took it to the auto parts store. The battery was so drained they couldn’t get their monitor-thing to tell whether or not it was any good, so they plugged it into a charger and said to check back in with them in a few hours.

So I went back home, where I found my mom and the kids feverishly cleaning the bathrooms.

The children and I did some school work, and I spent some more quality time in Pete’s room, removing the heat register and spraying it down with Urine Destroyer.


Poppy had a piano lesson. My mom and Pete folded a bunch of laundry.

I went to check on the battery. It was not ready.

Poppy had ballet and modern dance. On the way home I stopped at the vet to get some flea-preventative, and then I went to check on the battery. It was not ready.


I called the auto parts store and learned that the battery was almost charged enough to test. You would think, perhaps, that at some point it might occur to me that a battery that takes that long to charge just a little is probably a faulty battery. Hindsight, eh?

I picked Poppy up from dance, and we bought a rotisserie chicken for dinner. We came home and ate chicken, peas and rice.

The kids started playing video games, and I went to the auto parts store determined to come home with a battery. And I succeeded! The old battery was indeed dead, though, so my success came with a price. And a two-year warranty, and I had to install it in the cold by the light of my TeslaLED app. But it was a victory, and I am embracing it.

My mom, driving away in her truck with its fresh new battery.

And the very best part of yesterday? After alllll that other stuff happened, Rockford came home from a business trip!

On Tuesday I folded so much laundry, and I didn’t start a truck

Today I took a squinty picture of myself first thing in the morning, because I was going to take pictures of all the things all day long! And then I didn’t take all the pictures, but I did do a bunch of other stuff.

About the time I sat down to write about The Other Stuff, though, my mom — who’d left her truck here while she visited my brother — came back. The friend she rode with dropped her off, and a few minutes later she hopped in her truck to go home. And the truck wouldn’t start. We spent a bit trying to get the jumper cables to do their magic, but it didn’t work.

That adventure pretty well sapped my will to write, so here’s a little listy-list about our day:

  • I took my loratadine (generic Claritin. Generitan!) and my daily vitamin.
  • The misbehaving cat got out, and I just let him go.
  • I cleaned the kitchen, because it was clean-the-kitchen day on my list of cleaning things.
  • The kids did their schoolwork.
  • I did a lot of laundry, and I watched “Once Upon a Time in Wonderland” while I folded it.
  • The kids spent a ton of time outside.
  • The kids had tae kwon do.
  • Poppy had soccer practice right after tae kwon do.
  • The cat came back and meowed at me through the screen. So I let him come back in.
  • Poppy had an American Heritage Girls meeting.
  • We had omelets for dinner.
  • The kids went to bed.
  • I watched TV.
  • I tried and failed to make a truck start.
  • I folded more laundry.
  • This morning I’ll be trying to figure out how to remove a battery from a truck so I can take it to the auto parts store. Can I do it? Will the truck ever start? Did I ever finish folding all the laundry? Tune in tomorrow!

    On Monday I spent a lot of time thinking about the cat

    In 2011 we went hiking and played some board games. Last year I had a cold and we went to Dollywood. This year? It’s been an eventful week thus far.

    This is the third year I’ve participated in Adventuroo’s Week in My Life linkup. It works like this: I do some meticulous record-keeping and take lots of pictures, and the next day I tell you all about what we did the previous day. Except that some days (most days) my record-keeping is somewhat less meticulous and I only take pictures for about half the day.

    Which is, coincidentally, exactly what happened yesterday.
    Continue reading On Monday I spent a lot of time thinking about the cat