Category Archives: Diversions

The stuff that didn’t fit elsewhere.

Thinking about an extended stay in the great outdoors

We went hiking yesterday — only the second of the 15 Family Hikes on my Mighty List — and it left us thinking we might like to go camping.

The last time I went camping was probably at least 20 years ago, and it was definitely not my idea of a good time. My parents loved (and still do love) camping and fishing and boating and many other activities that pretty much require being outside, so there were a few nature excursions in my childhood. I did not inherit the outdoorsman gene. I’m outdoorsy in that I like reading in a hammock.

But my children love tramping through the woods and splashing in rivers and squishing through mud, so outdoors we go.

(Pete especially loves mud. He wrote a song about it while we were hiking:

Mud mud mud!
All the beautiful mud!
Mud mud mud!
Oh, how I love mud!

And then he asked me to “make some mud” for him at home. We’ll see, kid.)

Rockford has never been a camper, either, so we don’t have a single bit of camping equipment. Nor do we really have a good idea of where to begin. I’ve looked into tents and sleeping bags, etc., and it looks like it would be a not-at-all-small outpouring of money to become People Who Camp. I’m hesitant to spend that much on something we might end up only doing once. (Just because the kids like playing out there doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll like sleeping out there, right?)

My ideal campsite would be the Thunderdome,

but Sky Mall probably wouldn’t accept that many returns. So I’m wondering:

  • Should we attempt this camping thing?
  • Is there such a thing as a Rent-a-Tent business for novice campers? There should be.
  • What’s your best camping tip?

Updated to add: Here’s some advice from Facebook!

I’m guessing ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’ will do me in

Every now and then I start feeling like my education is lacking, so I launch a reading project. Like that time I decided to read all of the Modern Library’s top 100 books and then only read (I think) 5 of them because they were so depressing.

Well, folks, we’ve entered another of those Every Now and Thens.

This time I’m working off the Great Books list in Susan Wise Bauer’s “The Well-Educated Mind.” They’re all books I probably should have read at some point in high school or college. They’re also all books I’ve never read. It should only take me ten or twenty years to read them all.

Picasso's sketch of Don Quixote, 1955
  • Don Quixote,” Miguel de Cervantes
  • The Pilgrim’s Progress,” John Bunyan
  • Gulliver’s Travels,” Jonathan Swift
  • Pride and Prejudice,” Jane Austen
  • Oliver Twist,” Charles Dickens
  • Jane Eyre,” Charlotte Bronte
  • The Scarlet Letter,” Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” Harriet Beecher Stowe
  • Madame Bovary,” Gustave Flaubert
  • Crime and Punishment,” Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  • Anna Karenina,” Leo Tolstoy
  • The Return of the Native,” Thomas Hardy
  • The Portrait of a Lady,” Henry James
  • Huckleberry Finn,” Mark Twain
  • I started “Don Quixote” a few weeks ago, and it is making me feel like a big doofus. From what I gather, this is the First Novel Ever and it is Very Funny and also Wonderful. I’m only on Chapter 19, but I’m just not that into it. Don Quixote seems like a big jerk, and there’s enough scatological humor to launch a Johnny Knoxville franchise.

    I’m hoping things will change soon in the next one billion pages. (Seriously. I had no idea how long this book was.)

    Since last we spoke

    • We joined the YMCA. The kids love it there, which I’m hoping will be an extra incentive for me to start exercising again.
    • The children continue to have conversations I don’t understand. Par example:
      “There’s three babies in here!”
      “No there aren’t. It’s just an illusion.”
    • I started reading “Don Quixote.” It’s a slog, so far.
    • We’ve been doing some light gardening. I’m going to need to do some heavy gardening to get all of the flower beds into shape.
    • We’ve painted with toy cars.
    • I’ve lost to Poppy in tetherball three times.