Category Archives: Diversions

The stuff that didn’t fit elsewhere.

"Never Let Me Go"

For some reason, I’d expected Kazuo Ishiguro’s "Never Let Me Go" to reduce me to a pile of tears. But I didn’t cloud over even once. Maybe I’ve become heartless.

The skeleton of the story was haunting (I dreamed about it last night), but I never connected with the narrator, and the writing style left me cold.

This is nit-picky, but the font was also weirdly distracting. One review I read said it made it feel more “handwritten.” I guess it did seem that way, but I didn’t like it.

"End of Story"

“End of Story” was sufficiently suspenseful, but I found the protagonist (a woman teaching a writing class at a prison) to be pretty annoying. She was terribly condescending toward the prisoners, and she acted pretty brainless much of the time, too. I suppose she had to be that way to drive the plot along, but she still got on my nerves.

I did love the last line of the book, though.