Category Archives: menu plan Monday

In which Nichole pats herself on the back

I am, as always, trying to find a way to feed the household on piano-soccer-guitar-tae-kwon-do-school days. Usually my answer is either the Crockpot or sandwiches, but yesterday it occurred to me that perhaps I could make dinner in the morning, when I’m not running everyone to and fro, and then everyone could heat up the components and eat whenever they got home. So while Poppy read about electrons and chemical bonding, I cooked a couple of chicken breasts and made a bourbon-mustard pan sauce. And in the evening everyone ate one by one as they shuffled back home. I have to admit, I was pretty pleased with myself.

Monday: Bourbon-Mustard Chicken
We tried out a box from Plated a few weeks ago, and my main takeaway from the experience was that Chicken With A Pan sauce is an easy and delicious dinner. So I searched for more of such recipes, and this one struck my fancy. The kids weren’t crazy about the sauce, but I loved it.

Tuesday: Spaghetti and meatballs
I’m doing a weight-loss challenge with some friends on Facebook, so my meal will be more Meatballs and A Salad than spaghetti and meatballs.

Wednesday: Breakfast for dinner
I think my goal for the summer might be to get the kids very comfortable with cooking eggs so they can make this one on their own.

Thursday: Steak & Gnocchi
Pete loves the recipe station at Publix, and he picks up the recipes whenever they’re serving something he likes. He picked this one up quite awhile ago, and we’re finally going to try it at home.

Friday: Take-out, probably
Or we might end up with frozen pizza again. We shall see.

Hungry for more? Check out the Menu Plan Monday linkup at OrgJunkie.

A menu plan for the week after Spring Break

We spent Spring Break last week in cold and rainy New York City, and now I have a cold — not the fault of the state of New York; I took it up there with me — and one million pounds of laundry to fold. Why is it always so hard to get back to the real world after vacation?

Here’s what’ll be on our table this week.

Monday: Sandwiches
I might be having soup, because one of the things I brought home from NYC was a cold.

Tuesday: BFD
Note to self: Buy more veggie sausages because the kids have already eaten them all.

Wednesday: Take-out
I’m not sure yet from whence.

Thursday: Quesadillas
I’m not eating cheese anymore, which means it’s been a long time since I’ve had a quesadilla. Someone suggested to me that sweet potato quesadillas might be a delicious alternative, though, so I’m going to try it. The rest of the family will likely be having cheesy ‘dillas.

Friday: Pizza
There are a couple of pizza places near us that we haven’t tried yet, but I don’t know if they have dairy-free options. I’ll just pick up my trusty ol’ Amy’s vegan Margherita if they don’t.

Hungry for more? Check out the Menu Plan Monday linkup at OrgJunkie.

Everybody knows that popcorn isn’t an acceptable dinner. What this post presupposes is: Maybe it is?

To paraphrase the iconic philosopher Bob Wiley, there are two kind of people in this world: Those who like Wes Anderson movies, and those who do not. Seeing as this website is named after a line in “The Royal Tenenbaums,” it should be surprise that folks here at Butterscotch Sundae headquarters are decidedly in the “Those who like Wes Anderson” camp. And so we are very excited that his new movie, “Isle of Dogs,” comes out this weekend. What does this have to do with Menu Plan Monday? Zero things, except that we might eat popcorn for dinner on Friday night.

Also, I’d like to say that I wish I’d publicly announced the “Isle of Dogs” / “I love dogs” connection when I first noticed it months ago so I could, I don’t know, reap some internet fame or something.

Monday: Chicken Taco Soup
This is one of those Open 16 Cans And Throw It All In The Slow Cooker recipes, which means it’ll be either hideous or divine. I’m trying to find several recipes of this type that are more divine than hideous so people can just eat dinner whenever they get home on our wacky-schedule days.

Tuesday: Tacos
Rockford invited one of his co-workers over for dinner. I tried to plan something fancy, but Rockford said tacos would be perfect. So tacos it is.

Wednesday: DIY
It’s another day when everyone has a weird schedule, so I’m just going to have the materials available for sandwiches. Or cereal. Or whatever, man.

Thursday: Balsamic chicken
This is one of my favorite heart-healthy recipes. It’s simple and really flavorful.

Friday: Popcorn?
Or not, if we decide to see “Isle of Dogs” on Saturday instead. All hail the matinee.

Hungry for more? Check out the Menu Plan Monday linkup at OrgJunkie.