Category Archives: blessings

Count your many blessings

Daddy and Girl
Originally uploaded by nichole_e.

I’m thankful for so many things this year. Among them:

  • my happy, healthy, silly little girl.
  • Rockford, my best friend.
  • my parents, without whom I wouldn’t be here, being who I am and doing what I’m doing.
  • that God gave us the courage to leave Holland.
  • that we had a place to which we could return.
  • my bright and talented little brothers.
  • my niece and nephews and their unrestrained hugs.
  • my parents-in-law, with whom I actually enjoy spending the holidays. (I know! Who gets along with their in-laws? I got lucky, I guess.)
  • my funny, quirky and altogether lovely sisters-in-law.
  • my equally funny and quirky brother-in-law. I will not call him “lovely” because I don’t think he would appreciate it.
  • my friends, who I miss mightly but cherish nonetheless.
  • the Internet, for making it possible to stay in contact with my far-flung friends and family.

    This sounds like an award-acceptance speech, doesn’t it? Oh well. I’m going to go make some stuffing or something.

    Happy Thanksgiving!!