Rockford announced yesterday that he had scheduled an appointment for me for a prenatal massage. I’d never had a massage of any sort before, and I was a little nervous. But after a lovely, slow morning, I gathered up my courage and headed out for my first massage.
An hour later, I was so relaxed I couldn’t figure out how to get out of the department store where the salon/spa is located. (I really wasn’t that out of it; the store has a very confusing layout). Once I finally found my way out, I stopped in to Yankee Candle for something to freshen the house.
I checked my phone when I got to the car and discovered that Rockford had tried to call five times over about 15 minutes. Still a little massage-bleary, it didn’t occur to me to panic.
I called, and he said, “Can you get home as quickly as possible? I really need some help.”
Once the fog lifted, I did start to panic a little. So I called back, and he reassured me that there was no need to panic, he was just overwhelmed. And no, I didn’t need to bring him anything for lunch.
Why do you suppose my always-hungry husband didn’t want any lunch?
Because he and his sister had planned a surprise baby shower for me, and the guests were waiting. And they were getting hungry and a little restless.
We moved to this area too recently to have really made any connections, so the guest list was on the small side. But our friends and family far and wide were kind enough to participate in a “virtual” party, and they showered Pete (and us) with generosity. I feel so blessed that there are so many people out there who care about us.