She’s been sitting like this for half an hour, listening to a Baby Einstein CD (“Special new songs,” as it’s known around these parts). Pete is asleep in his swing. It’s so quiet in here!
A sweet, funny little girl — who makes me laugh all day long.
A cuddly little boy — who only woke up three times last night.
An unimaginably helpful and supportive husband — who just washed the dishes and unloaded the dryer and got up with the cuddly boy for one feeding last night and is making sweet potatoes right now. And he’s mighty handsome to boot.
An equally helpful and supportive extended family.
Upon being told that I didn’t feel up to pretending to be an elephant, Poppy saying: “Mommy too big for ‘Barrumph.’ ” (In our house, that’s what elephants say.)
Poppy’s “Are You My Mother” monologue.
“Friday Night Lights”
The editor of Sophie’s local newspaper responding to her letter — on the front page! (Here’s the story).
Ice softened to perfection (for crunching!) in a glass of V8 Splash.
Oct. 13
Cuddling with Rockford while Poppy slept in.
Poppy asking for popcorn for breakfast. (She had a pancake instead.)
Going to the farm for apples; Poppy being thrilled to see real piggies; Pi picking out a tin apple, carrying it around all day and calling it her “sweet little apple.”
Putting up the family photo wall. (It’s not quite complete. One of the frames from Crate & Barrel was broken; they’re sending me a new one. The two 8x10s featuring Stock Photography Lady are going to be Pete photos. Oh, and credit for the idea and layout go to Dooce.)